Your Cycle Theory and the “Anabolic Matrix”

Thank you for the SuperD info John. Really appreciate all you guys sharing the love around here haha. Also want to say thank you very much for your service. Guys like you are the reason my kids are able to sleep safely. You’re the man
@GillyTheKid great, just wanted to clarify. So, lets compare the two as they are completely in different categories in how and why they work.

With HGH this is a chain peptide that is made up of all 191 amino acids vs MK-677 is like you said a SGA not a SARM, thus meaning it stimulates gherlin and the release of IGF and HGH from the pituitary gland. So, these are 2 different in as how they react in the body.

HGH causes a immediate burst of HGH lastly 8mins in the body then is done and any waste is excreted in the urine vs MK-677 begins working after bypassing the stomach lining then lasting 24hrs in the body causing pulses of hgh to be pushed from the pituitary glands.

So in overall as i am against SARMS i am for SGA’s as it works very well from blood work i have reviewed seeing pulses in HGH and IGF. So my true advice would be as to create new tissue i would combine both to overall saturate the body i would run the following.

6am- 25mg of MK-677 2iu of HGH

12pm 2iu of HGH

4pm 2iu of HGH

**no need for HGH prior to sleep but i would suggest a sleep aid to help push into a REM sleep to push even more HGH while you recover.

This would allow 24/7 saturation with HGH in return constant cellular healing and growth!

Best of luck my friend, hope this helps!
Fountain of wisdom, thank you very much. So my cycle right now is

500 Test C a week in two shots
50mg proviron daily
50mg Anavar daily
20mg Mk-677 which I started a week ago will run into PCT
And I’ll add Cardarine during PCT

Any thoughts on cardarine? Im gonna use it for endurance
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Im actually a big fan of this and took it back when it was legal. This is another compound thats not a SARM but a PPAR antagonist. This also was created in a lab and had clinicals done on it, which are great in turns of endurance and feeding the red blood cells with alot of o2 and buffering lactic acid.

This will help during PCT given you follow a strict post cycle protocol and diet etc.