Your Favorite Non-Steroid PEDs


Active member
Hi Folks,

Chiming in this evening to ask about what everyone’s favorite or most used non-steroid PEDs are. I am curious about using things such as GW501516 (cardarine), ipamorelin, ibutamoren, and melanotan before I ever cycle. What are your general views on safety and effectiveness of these PEDs? For example, how does cardarine match up against something like Clen for cutting and maintaining lean mass while cutting? Whats it like to use ibutamoren (or other gh secretagogues) as compared to true hgh?

I have asthma and am prescribed albuterol for both the nebulizer treatment and the inhaler. How can I utilize albuterol in a performance-enhancing nature? Additionally, is it recommendable to use the pill version (salbutamol, I think) as compared to inhaled albuterol?

Finally, I have always had troubles with sleep and have recently been exploring ways in which I can sleep better. I have a prescription for amitryptiline which seems to work decently as of right now. What do you guys use for sleep?
Hmm I’m curious as well gh has always caught my curiosity but the price is pretty high lol I’ve looked into ibutamoren and am still debating about trying it. I’m sure some one will chime in soon
xdefexx said:
How can I utilize albuterol in a performance-enhancing nature?
Albuterol is something you will build a tolerance to, quickly. If you need albuterol for your asthma I would not recommend using recreationally.
Oh geez. Where to start.

I’m a huge Modafinil fan. Makes sleep completely optional…until it doesn’t…and while effective, really helps me concentrate, as I tend to get distracted and off on a tangent rather easily. Best non-AAS PWO I know of.

Clen is effective, especially the injectable version, but makes me too jittery.

Black coffee–I cannot live without multiple cups each day. I’m on Number 3 right now.

Ephedrine (the real kind) is very effective in increasing my “wind” and pumping me up when I’m otherwise unmotivated and enervated.

The illegal stimulants–well yeah, they’re effective, but their downside (aside from being illegal) is that they may very well kill you (coke and heart problems) or massacre your brain chemistry (MDMA). Stay far away, at least until the docs tell you you have no more than six months to live. At that point, knock yourself out.
Maybe at gym right now to make sure I get it in today. Got back on tinder already thinking of deleting app haha. Too many fatties. But of course I matched with a Latina this morning so maybe I’m
Doomed to be with one hahah
herrubermensch said:
massacre your brain chemistry (MDMA).
Curious. I was always under the impression this was transient, any significant changes resulted from high dose injections over several days. As always, it’s more than likely that I’m wrong.