SB Labs

Recent content by BigDogg

  1. B

    World gangbang record

    This is the only one I saw. That’s funny tho.
  2. B

    World gangbang record

    I am. Thank you. Getting into some calisthenics to get mobility back and drop a few pounds and I’m ready to get back at the iron.
  3. B

    World gangbang record

    Been down with multiple injuries for last 3 years. Just getting back to it. Don’t know how many check this category but I figure everyone could use some humor.
  4. B

    First Visit And Diagnoses

    I fractured that vertebrae in '96. Squats are pretty much out. I can do light squats when in good shape. Front squats are usually alright. Heavy dead lifts keep me pain free better that any Chiro I’ve been to. I have stage 3 spodylolisthesis and barely have s1 - 3 disks left. I will need...
  5. B

    The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

    Where did your estrogen come in at? A few symptoms you mentioned could have indicated low estrogen as well. I would never increase AI if you’re not sure. Water retention is also caused by poor diet salt and sugar intake. Low estrogen can also cause you to gain fat. Blood test is mandatory on...
  6. B

    What is everyone running these days? Let's discuss!

    Been getting fat since April. Blew my shoulder out a week before my gym closed. Surgery and rehab complete. Just started again. 350 test p 350 npp 350 mast p Been a week. Think I’m gonna increase the test. Trying to keep it low but I feel like I need a little more. Gonna go to 75mg/day. First...
  7. B

    What is everyone running these days? Let's discuss!

    Sdrol injectable or oral? I’ve been looking at MENT as a possible future cycle. Your post definitely increases my interest.
  8. B

    Bad muscle soreness near injection site

    Probably all been said. Haven’t been on here in a while. New muscle and short esters is gonna give you some PIP. 21g needle? 23 or 25 is much better. Lower outer quad? Worst spot I’ve ever pinned. Don’t pin below where your fingers reach while standing. Rotate spots. At least 4 if you’re using...
  9. B

    Are you stressed? Has this virus talk brought you down?

    HAPPY! is awesome too anyone with time to binge Netflix. It’s like Roger Rabbit meets Kill Bill on LSD.
  10. B

    Injection pain when injecting tren

    You can see swelling/inflammation and you’re still injecting that product? If there is a visible amount of inflammation accompanied with the pain you’re talking about I would go see a doctor and get a blood test for WBC to check for infection. Your cycle and doses suggest you dont have much...
  11. B

    Cramps at work.. please help

    I use an electrolyte powder. I think it’s called Keto1000. Fron Amazon. 1000mg Potasssium and a bunch of Magnesium. A little sodium from sea salt.
  12. B

    Just banked on Bitcoin fluctuation!

    I’m waiting a little longer. Still may be a bit of a roller coaster for the next few weeks. Definitely money to be made soon tho. If housing/mortgage takes a hit it could be a longer downhill for a while still. They’re talking about another $2T stimulus package. If they keep printing money and...
  13. B

    SubQ versus IM for HGH

    You should post a link to the article. I’ve not seen any legitimate comparison. In the few studies I’ve seen where they used multiple administration methods, the serum levels were pretty similar. Comparing efficacy of different administration methods was not the purpose of any of the studies...
  14. B

    Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, also zpacks

    Shit. Couple glasses of whiskey and forget the rules asking stupid questions.
  15. B

    New here, not to the game

    Welcome to the board. Best one around