SB Labs

Injection pain when injecting tren

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So I’ve been injecting 500 deca and 700 test - e for 8 weeks without a problem. Twice a week in the glutes with 23gauge needles. Now I’m injecting 600mg tren-e and 200mg test-e exactly in the same way I did the deca. The post injection pains are horrible. Couldn’t sit or lie down for 3 days. Switched to quads and I couldn’t walk for 3 days. Injected Wednesday in both glutes at the same time and I can’t even get up from the bed. Only thing that changed is tren instead of deca. Does this mean the tren is shit quality or why did deca give me 0 pain and tren makes it unable to walk or bend over. Glutes look twice as big because of all the build up inflammation
You could inject more frequently reducing the amount per injection. Your obviously not doing the injections wrong so you have to assume it’s your body or your tren! Tren can take a little bit to get used to if it’s your first time.
Explain your injection protocol… based on your explanation… 300 mg tren / 100 mg test twice per week? First question, why is your tren higher then test? Tren is a potent compound…600 in my opinion is ALOT! I have got some pip off of 75 mg of tren per inject. Nothing as bad as you are explaining though…
Aasseterr said:
Glutes look twice as big because of all the build up inflammation
You can see swelling/inflammation and you’re still injecting that product? If there is a visible amount of inflammation accompanied with the pain you’re talking about I would go see a doctor and get a blood test for WBC to check for infection.

Your cycle and doses suggest you dont have much experience. I would say stop everything, do PCT, antibiotics if the doctor prescribes and do some research before you start again. You ran Deca for only 8 weeks then dropped your test from 700 to 200 and started 600 Tren? That seems completely erratic and uninformed.

What lab is the tren from?
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Tren is very uncomfortable, I like to microdose, split the normal dose Into multiple smaller injections.

But holy shi* if you’re having inflammation I would see a doctor, and get with your sponsor about the product.

Did you go straight from deca to Tren on the same cycle?
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If I keep test lower I get 0 sides. No night sweats acne or anything. Did 600 test with 300 tren and this gave me the worst gyno and acne ever. This gives me nothing and I’m getting lean as hell
4 different labs. Got the deca and test anadrol etc all from those labs. My body must hate tren. Did 3ml injections per side no problem. Now it’s. 1.5ml tren and 400ml test per injection and my butt just gets stiff and swells up. It must be the tren. Never had this in 5 cycles
I know. I’m just not asking about how I dose my cycles and lengths. Just wondering if people react bad to tren. Remembered my tren ace did the same. But was less fluid per shot so was bearable. But 2 ml per glute fucks me over. Probably the benzyl alcohol concentration that fucks me tho
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I tried doing short esters etc. But my quads are not injectable due to surgery. Chest and shoulders won’t allow me to press the liquid out. So I can only inject the glutes. Wish I could inject in more spots but somehow my body won’t allow me. Because when I inject my friend in his shoulder it’s easy. How do u micro dose tho?
I don’t have any tren sides. Not aggressive in any way. All blood levels are fine. Completely healthy. But I should stop pinning my glutes since the muscle has trauma and responds weirdly to injections. So I do not see the point of stopping
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