SB Labs

First Visit And Diagnoses


Staff member
Military Vet
Well it appears I’ve “dislodged/slipped” a disk between L5 and S1. Not ruptured but out of place pressing against nerves. She feels confident she can fix it.

Worse news is my neck is FUBAR… bone spurs and two vertebrae almost fused together. No pain just limited mobility turning my head. She’s working on that too.


Do you have access to a teeter table? If not see if you can find one used. That will help for sure
I fractured that vertebrae in '96. Squats are pretty much out. I can do light squats when in good shape. Front squats are usually alright. Heavy dead lifts keep me pain free better that any Chiro I’ve been to.

I have stage 3 spodylolisthesis and barely have s1 - 3 disks left. I will need surgery but the pain is least when I’m in shape and doing fairly heavy dead lift consistently with perfect form. I think the muscle keeps everything else where it’s supposed to be.

If you can find a Tui Na practicioner near you that helped me a lot as well.