SB Labs

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  1. F

    Cruise after cyxle

    Thank you! So your on trt at 200 mg per week and you don’t need any estrogen blockers? And you blast to 1700-1800 and the come down from that to 1100? No hcg needed? I ask because I’m thinking of doing a cycle of test e again and was going to take hcg along side because atrophy was pretty...
  2. F

    Cruise after cyxle

    @NeuroRN you mentioned cruising after a cycle. Can you explain what you mean by that? Are in trt and you increase it for a cycle? Can you share your protocol?
  3. F

    Endocrinologist wouldn’t see me

    Makes no sense. But proves dr.s do no preventative just tear symptoms The first test mid 300’s and bottom now is 290 but used to be 360 ish. They treat hypogonadism like it’s toxic but will give needles to a heroine addict prescribe narcotics for a sprained ankle. They treat symptoms only now...
  4. F

    Endocrinologist wouldn’t see me

    @Poppy itbhas been a while since I’ve been on here. But I mentioned I would update you on my progress. Finally got a referral to a urologist in my community practice and an open referral to an endo of my choice. I went to the endo and after a month finally they got all my paperwork from my gp...
  5. F

    Talking to Dr advice

    @Boris76 appreciate the feedback My LH was checked today and it’s 3 low is 2 high is 12 Laughingly he checked fsh. And it’s in the higher end of normal… at 53 who cares oh and vasectomy… this will be a fun conversation Hopefully he’s just checking to see if my pituitary axis is ok and not the...
  6. F

    Talking to Dr advice

    @Aude_Aliquid_Dignu and @Poppy all valid points. I will be seeking the dr route first. If they don’t want to work with me then I’ll reassess. My updates were simply sharing the frustration from a dr with no sense of urgency and a system that has moved the goal posts on the normal range because...
  7. F

    Talking to Dr advice

    @Poppy ar yours and @NeuroRN advice I got the tot book About 2/3rds through it and he debunks a ton of shit that gets played up by dr.’s One way or the other I’m all in. Still hope to do a “cycle” for 90 days in January and then hopefully just cruise with a maint dose.
  8. F

    Talking to Dr advice

    @Poppy exactly. And don’t forget the range lowered in 2017 by close to 100 points. So if you were close then and dropped you could still eve “in range”. We can thank media and fear Monger oh by elites and the government for politicizing peds because some billionaire team owners were upset they...
  9. F

    Talking to Dr advice

    Update. Had physical Monday. Test is mid 300 on a lab Corp scale low of 264 Last time I was checked I was 460 and labcoep scale was 348. Why the change because labcorp has averages in men up to 30 with a BMI of 30 or less. So now the scale is based on more fat men as the “average male” vs...
  10. F

    Stenbolone and dihydroboldenone

    I could have worded that differently. Basically take the 4 day split. Do the first 3 days on m, w, f. Then the 4th day of the split is the following Monday. You end up doing upper body 2 times one week and legs 2 times the next week. This week legs m and f upper on Wednesday Arm joints rest...
  11. F

    Talking to Dr advice

    Please share how to get the script transferred because 4 200mg/ml vials at $30 is dirt cheap. What’s the product and how many mg/vial?
  12. F

    Talking to Dr advice

    Insurance is always a head scratcher. We will cover drugs to lower your cholesterol, but the side effects will probably give you Ed, so we will cover tadalafil. But we won’t cover test because “on paper” you’re “in the range” but if they covered test we wouldn’t need half the other shit. We can...
  13. F

    Talking to Dr advice

    In reply to your comment a while back on finding hrt doc. Had a physical today and my primary wants to run another blood test in a month!? Wtf wait another month. Last test was a month ago at 364 and seems to think that’s good. Now wants to talk in 30 days and get a test for pituitary axis as...
  14. F

    Stenbolone and dihydroboldenone

    Sorry @Poppy ive been out of it for the last month. In reply to relieving the joints I’ve taken the 4 day split to a 3 day mwf and one week gets 3 days of upper and one week gets 2 days if lower. So Monday is Monday. Tuesday is done on Wednesday Friday is Thursday. Then the next Monday is the...
  15. F

    Talking to Dr advice

    @Poppy this is a young guy. And he’s a new dr. To me Maybe I need to employ your “neuro”? Lol I don’t go in until nov 1 I intend to cycle again Jan Regardless of what he prescribed My first cycle was 250 e everyb3 days I cut it down to about 175 every 3 because the sore pain was off the charts...
  16. F

    Talking to Dr advice

    All right guys. Got my labs back Everything good except LDL is 131 on a scale that 130 is high normal HDL is also higher than normal (which is good) ratio is 4.8 Free test is 5 which is low but serum is 366 with 294 allegedly being low… so considered “normal” they even state that the free test...
  17. F

    Stenbolone and dihydroboldenone

    @Poppy just saw this and don’t know if you were asking me about joints or not. From a joint perspective I think just less volume will be the start. I missed a week of lifting and my tendinitis pain went away until I lifted again. Switching from 4 day to a rotating 3 day split with same workout...
  18. F

    IGF 1LR3 reasonable expectations?

    @Poppy ill definitely do that!
  19. F

    Stenbolone and dihydroboldenone

    I have yet to get through that workout in under and hour.! Closer to hour 15 …Maybe I rest too much. 1.5 hours with a partner… almost too fast… 4 sets is tough but I really read it after a few months and realized some were meant for 3 sets. Leg day sucks for me but is the fastest for me. But...
  20. F

    IGF1 LR3 expectations?

    Hi all, new here and trying to figure out a few things. Like where is this question best posted? I am clearly not using the site the right way. Has anyone used IGF1 LR3? how did it work for you? both good and bad. what sort of expectations are reasonable? Thanks in advance all