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Talking to Dr advice

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the product is generic pharma Testosterone and each vial is 1ml. So it’s a months worth.

I literally just found the Amazon pharmacy today so it’s a very new pursuit for me…i will report back.

I am hoping it’s as easy as contacting the online TRT clinic and giving them the new pharmacy info.

Anyone else have experience with Amazon pharmacy?
The ones that are web based can be pretty sketchy. And are often run by UGLs trying to make a quit buck.

Honestly your best bet will probably be googling HRT and your town and finding a specialist. An endocrinologist would be preferred. I know @Kad1 found a good tele health doc awhile back.
Update. Had physical Monday.
Test is mid 300 on a lab Corp scale low of 264

Last time I was checked I was 460 and labcoep scale was 348. Why the change because labcorp has averages in men up to 30 with a BMI of 30 or less. So now the scale is based on more fat men as the “average male” vs previously when it was a “fit male” so is “fit men” get screwed.

Dr wants me to wait another month for a blood test to check test again and the pituitary hypo axis. Thinks 9:30 am is too late for an accurate test reading. Yet labcorp suggests between 8 am and noon.

I wish Drs actually cared about the cause of the symptoms as much as they care about how our range looks on paper.
I only have 6 out of 8 low T symptoms. Why rush to conclusions?!

Just sharing an update.

Anyone want to suggest a safe edit I may just do this on my own!
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The sponsors here have all been vetted pretty good.

Do a little reading and pick one your comfortable with.

I really dislike the medical community as a whole. If you’re a healthy male with no unaddressed issues and can’t find a cooperative dr; I believe you’re better off on your own.
For the mass majority it’s usually a good idea since they can, you know, write scripts and actually give real medical advice that’s not anonymously written on chat boards and based on antidotal evidence.
Aude_Aliquid_Dignu said:
actually give real medical advice
By that… everything checks out…you’ve got the t level of a 75 year old obese man BUT you’re in range soooo you’re good to go.
@Poppy exactly. And don’t forget the range lowered in 2017 by close to 100 points. So if you were close then and dropped you could still eve “in range”.
We can thank media and fear
Monger oh by elites and the government for politicizing peds because some billionaire team owners were upset they were losing baseball games. “Baseball!” Tell me the issue was health related .
This is my opinion only.

If you’re ranges are at the lower end and you get regular physicals with at least biannual labs…and you have no unaddressed issues… and the biggy…. Just can’t find a cooperative doc…then I believe you should start your own trt.

The testosterone optimization therapy book is a perfect place to start. They cover all the bases with supporting documentation. There’s a few “opinions” in there that I don’t completely align with but they do provide documentation to back it up.

Once again just my opinion. I’m in no way claiming to be a professional.
@Poppy ar yours and @NeuroRN advice I got the tot book
About 2/3rds through it and he debunks a ton of shit that gets played up by dr.’s

One way or the other I’m all in.

Still hope to do a “cycle” for 90 days in January and then hopefully just cruise with a maint dose.
Agreed, but in the age of today it’s not hard to find a cooperative doctor be they online or not. We are not static, our health is not static therefore it should be monitored by a professional

I could work on my own car but why do that when there are professionals who have a working knowledge of how all the systems interact? I would wager there’s many a person on here that would overspend on a good mechanic by day and by night act as their own doctor.

@Aude_Aliquid_Dignu and @Poppy all valid points. I will be seeking the dr route first. If they don’t want to work with me then I’ll reassess. My updates were simply sharing the frustration from a dr with no sense of urgency and a system that has moved the goal posts on the normal range because they decided to factor obese men into the “average male” category. Thereby making the healthy male suffer because unhealthy men are considered average.
Ironically obese is a disease state and is a term used to describe average yet cancer is described as a disease state that would be pulled out of a test group being considered as an average male due to it being a disease state.
We can thank politicians and insurance companies for the one, while they don’t seem to care that the obese male is that way essentially by choice…
IMO you’re really going to struggle to find a GP, urologist or endocrinologist that is willing to work with you unless you’re officially under the ridiculously low reference range. It’s not impossible but they are definitely few and far between. Most people have resort to the TRT clinics that will prescribe test to anyone with a swinging dick.
It was as easy as going to Walgreen’s and asking them to transfer my script to Amazon. If they are too busy, you can call Amazon Pharmacy and give them your old pharmacy’s info and they will put in a request for transfer. I will verify the $30 cost per month out of pocket once Amazon Pharmacy ships the order! Looks to be a great find so far!!
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Had the same thing with me. My private doc in Toronto increased her yearly rates beyond reasonable and was a 2 hour drive and she was always rude. When I finally got a family doctor, I asked to consider continuing my Rx. I was on 2x weekly of .5mls of Test Cyp. She ran my blood and told me I was just past the high end of normal for my age (40) and that after reviewing my initial pre trt blood work, that I was in the low end of normal for my age (38) and that she was worried about heart attacks. I told her that prior to my starting trt under medical supervision, I had a TBI that would not resolve. Way too high body fat, regardless of diet, low libido, very bad fatigue and serious depression and poor recovery from 4x week lifting and my very physical job. She wouldn’t continue my Rx and told me to taper off. Instead I bought from an online supplier and kept going on my own. I’m very happy with my results.

Low end of normal for 38 means that I’m sub optimal!! High end of normal is optimal and NORMAL nowadays is certainly not optimal. Look around at the men my age…very few are lifting and living healthy. I haven’t yet told her that I"m using test with out her, but I’m going to.

Docs are hard to convince about anything. My suggestion is be blunt and polite. Tell you doc that you really feel that it’s the best course of action. If they refuse, then politely inform them you’ll be cycling solo and ask for support in the form of panels. Don’t lie to your doctor, they hate that.

I’m taking .25ml of test cyp every other day, in the am. I switched to EOD about 2 months ago from twice a week and I’m blown away at the lack of peaks and troughs. Much better stability in my mood and energy and way less water retention.
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