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SB Labs

Talking to Dr advice

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All right guys. Got my labs back
Everything good except
LDL is 131 on a scale that 130 is high normal
HDL is also higher than normal (which is good) ratio is 4.8
Free test is 5 which is low but serum is 366 with 294 allegedly being low… so considered “normal” they even state that the free test being low is normally way off. Almost like they’re saying “meh. So he slow. So what” why test if they ignore the result?

Vit d is low end of normal
Everything else is fine.

My question: how to talk to the dr to get him to get me to 8-900 on test? I’m busting my ass in the gym and doing the big movements that are supposed to help increase test naturally.

Also libido is gone and for me a good analogy would be a guy that had 20/10 vision is now nearly blind. Even my wife wonders what’s up and my normal libido drives her nuts.

Any advice on how to talk to the dr? What risks do I have saying I want to get into the higher ranges? Or so I just ignore it all and wait until January and do a cycle? I don’t want to drop back to bla again…
Ok brother bare with me.

Unfortunately you’ve fallen prey to the medical community’s general outlook on test in men. “Yeah you’re at the rock bottom of the range and displaying all the symptoms of low t but you’re in range” next.

You can aways ask for trt all they can say is no.

That blows!!!

I will share my story. Not the recommended way but it worked. I had whittled my aas use down to self trt levels and threw a series of uncontrollable events could not obtain any from my “guy”. I was 50 something. I knew I was shut down and just let it ride. After maybe 4 months or so I went to doc and asked for labs again. My t was somewhere between 30 and 60. I don’t remember exactly. It was so low the insurance co made me get a second lab. That all led to my urologist (another story) prescribing cyp for me. He has no idea about hrt but insurance pays for some of my cyp now. Luckily I’m under my own care along with @NeuroRN and am doing well.

Soooo if he won’t prescribe at least 100mg a week than you’ll have to doctor yourself. You are at the age of needing it.

Caveat. 100 mg a week is low. That’s what I get and supplement with extra.
Is there a reason you’re not exploring trt options? Til now?

There’s clinics around but they’re pricey.
Mine cost $2100 per year without insurance. It includes 200 mg test cyp/week a year supply of Anastrozole and 4 blood works plus all the phone support I need if needed. They also know I blast a few times per year so they give me proper advice on any issues I have
@Poppy this is a young guy. And he’s a new dr. To me
Maybe I need to employ your “neuro”? Lol
I don’t go in until nov 1
I intend to cycle again Jan
Regardless of what he prescribed

My first cycle was 250 e everyb3 days
I cut it down to about 175 every 3 because the sore pain was off the charts. Like I had a half pound of hot tar under my skin on every pin.
Just sitting down made my skin feel like it was going to tear when I pinned thighs

Anyhow, I didn’t need all the bottles I got so when I cycle again I’ll use as little as needed to keep growing and healing.

I’ll keep you posted on what I’m told …
It’s really too bad dr.s aren’t trained to think as much as they are trained to stay in a lane. 290’s to 1200 is a huge range to be considered normal.

It’s a crock!
I would highly recommend this book. It was recommended to me by @NeuroRN and was literally a game changer.
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It will teach you how to be the captain of your own ship.
Talk to your doc. If he’s not interested in your needs or concern, need to find a new doc. (My opinion) go to a TRT clinic. They usually dial you in at 800-900. Or at least around here. I’m dialed in at 750 and I’m 58. 😁. Look on line. There’s a ton of referrals to TRT docs. Just read the comments, when you see “my doc got me dialed in quick! Libido through the roof!” Is usually a good sign of upper TRT range. 😁
In reply to your comment a while back on finding hrt doc.
Had a physical today and my primary wants to run another blood test in a month!? Wtf wait another month. Last test was a month ago at 364 and seems to think that’s good.

Now wants to talk in 30 days and get a test for pituitary axis as well and test again 3 days prior to appointment.

How would I go about finding and hrt dr? I’d prefer a doc I can see than an online “company” that seem to be a dime a dozen on the web…one I talked to was going to cost about $1200 then about $400 per month after.

About now I’d like to just be in the 700 range and see how I feel and heal and then spike that from time to time for a “cycle”
If you want a local brick n mortar doc office, you’re probably going to have to shop around. They’re out there….but the insurance companies are another hurdle. If your levels are in range by their standards then they won’t cover it. Basically the same way with a doc…they most likely won’t write you a script with those levels.

This is my 2c and I’m in no way a medical professional and only speaking hypothetically.

You’re diligent on getting your blood labs… you seem to be fairly educated in reading them on your own…you can be the captain of your ship and dose yourself with ugl stuff. Between how you feel and blood labs you very well could dial in your own trt.

Just saying
I’m looking into Amazon Pharmacy right now, if i can figure out how to get my script transferred over from the online TRT it would be about $30 per month for (4) 200 MG/ML vials. This is a 1/3rd of what Walgreen’s charges. I was also in the low 300’s test reading so insurance won’t cover it. Insurance will cover the full cost of arimidex, clomid, and tadalafil tho.
Insurance is always a head scratcher. We will cover drugs to lower your cholesterol, but the side effects will probably give you Ed, so we will cover tadalafil. But we won’t cover test because “on paper” you’re “in the range” but if they covered test we wouldn’t need half the other shit.

We can thank billionaire team owners and a government that pretends to care so they can rub elbows with athletes … and ban products that literally help people be “better” humans… because some people abused them…

Dr won’t prescribe in range because of data not symptoms .

Another system driven by money and influence at the literal and figurative cost of the people paying the bills that need the products.
Please share how to get the script transferred because 4 200mg/ml vials at $30 is dirt cheap. What’s the product and how many mg/vial?
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