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SB Labs

Talking to Dr advice

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@Boris76 appreciate the feedback
My LH was checked today and it’s 3 low is 2 high is 12
Laughingly he checked fsh. And it’s in the higher end of normal… at 53 who cares oh and vasectomy… this will be a fun conversation
Hopefully he’s just checking to see if my pituitary axis is ok and not the cause of low t

I will be very blunt and direct. He can either be a participant in my care, refer me to an endo or choose to not care.

I’m moving forward one way or the other. I’d rather use insurance for healthcare since that’s what this really is…
I’ll keep all posted
Update: this has not gone very smoothly. Amazon canceled my script after 3 days b/c they could not get the online doctor to verify his script, dosage, and vial size. I have not been able to get the online clinic to get the doctor to do this to date. I did verify the cost is appx. $30 per month for (4) 1ml vials.
Aude_Aliquid_Dignu said:
Agreed, but in the age of today it’s not hard to find a cooperative doctor be they online or not. We are not static, our health is not static therefore it should be monitored by a professional

I could work on my own car but why do that when there are professionals who have a working knowledge of how all the systems interact? I would wager there’s many a person on here that would overspend on a good mechanic by day and by night act as their own doctor.

I finally got this straightened out. Amazon pharmacy was very particular about exactly how the prescription was written and my TRT clinic didn’t exactly want to play ball.

I ended up getting a 10ml/200mg for $20. Fucking loved Amazon Prime.

No more worrying about fake, under-dosed, underground over priced Test. Or testing it, or long wait times.

I can totally post a picture, sign a sheet, screen shot my labs, show my order form, and give a urine sample if anyone needs proof of this claim.

(He said tongue firmly in cheek)
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