SB Labs

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    The EARN IT Bill Is the Government’s Plan to Scan Every Message Online

    Federal government hasn’t needed a warrant for 3 decades. The PATRIOT ACT took away or 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th amendment rights.
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    New members need help

    Any one of those would be fine. Use N2 and Tudca if you go with a more potent oral.
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    New members need help

    I just found and posted a link to that same thread.
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    New members need help

    Not familiar with that source so I cant give an opinion on that. Here’s a thread on this forum AAS Pharmacy is it legit? No they are scammers Sources Hall of Shame Doesn’t look too promising but it will help you navigate the site and find what you need. You should also post an introduction.
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    New members need help

    Deca is relatively safe at low to moderate doses. Everyone will react differently as far as side effects. You should have a dopamine agonist/prolactin control supp on hand (bromocriptine, caber, pramipexole). It will bulk you up but add water weight. Joint relief is overrated, IMO, and not...
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    Adjustable dumbbell sets

    I have power blocks and like @TBU said they are sometimes awkward and restrict some exercises. I got mine real cheap so I’m not mad but wouldn’t buy them at regular price.
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    F**K Covid-19, how are your states reacting?

    I got 2 bathrooms scheduled in the next couple weeks. I keep waiting for someone to call and cancel out of paranoia. I’m not even doing reminder calls, just showing up on the scheduled date.
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    Wuhan Coronavirus update

    FB marketplace and craigslist. I’m gonna upgrade my half rack. Some pretty good prices on there. I got plenty of weights and bars ad dumbells and a medx chest press. Just need a better rack. Looking for one with cables (crossover, high and low). Prices varied so keep checking til you find the...
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    How to self treat the coronavirus. Belarus edition

    Whiskey is the way to go. Even during prohibition on the US they let a handful of distilleries keep producing “medicinal” whiskey. It had to be 114 proof minimum.
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    How to self treat the coronavirus. Belarus edition

    Swine flu H1N1 started here in the states. Infected 60M and killed 12K. I think all of these mutated viruses are made by the rich to kill us regular people.
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    The Research Station - STR selling bunk, fake products

    International shipping sucks. Like @TBU said there are a number of legit verified sponsors on here but not supposed to ask sourcing questions.
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    BPC-157 Anybody tried this?

    You’re not allowed to ask where to get anything. I does work tho and I’ve had great success with it for tendonitis.
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    Srx touchdown! Crazy fast shipping!

    I hit a bad spot in my ventro the other day and my hip joint is killing me. Make sure you get that in the muscle amd deep enough.
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    Heating gear up in mic

    Warm water or blow dryer if you have to. Didn’t the metal top light up your microwave? You’re not supposed to put any type of metal in there.
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    BPC-157 log for Shoulder Pain

    I got tendonitis in my wrist and took BPC157 and TB500. 400mcg/day BPC 1x/day and 1mg TB 2x/week. Tendonitis was completely gone in about 3 weeks kept going for 6 weeks as that is what I bought and still pain free 4 months later. Previous tendonitis took 6+ months to go away and I had to stop...
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    How much dbol that is the question

    If you’re not worried about water weight then turn it up. There is nothing, for me anyway, that puts on bulk as fast as Dbol. It is puffy tho.
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    During these trying times

    That’s how we did it where I’m from.
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    How much dbol that is the question

    I usually go with 50mg Dbol. I take it all PWO. If you’re doing 20 and dont have any problems I’d jump to 50 and back down if you have any sides. At 50 is gonna be a lot more than so so for weight gain and strength. You need to eat a lot and you will put on some water but you should put on a...
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    Marijuana, how much im running per week, and any extra advice

    Weed is up to you. Wont affect your cycle in any way. Doses look good. Probably could have gone higher with the Dbol. I take a product called Liver Refresh by NOW foods. I use that with TUDCA if long term or higher dose orals.