Just because we enjoy more freedoms than a lot of other countries, doesn’t mean we should give up what little freedoms we have left. Privacy is a huge part of those freedoms, gun ownership, freedom of speech, I think a lot of it would take care of itself if we took out special interest money, but to filter all messages and content, that’s a slippery slope, I don’t trust people, and people are what make up any government. They imprison whistle blowers, and honestly, you can be incarcerated for anything these days.
I’m saying don’t lose what we have, people are always looking for protection, people are scared, and a scared populace is an easily manipulated populace.
All anyone has to do is look back at ancient Rome, how easy it was to go from a republic to a dictatorship.
My dad fought in Vietnam, he’s very proud of that fact, as he should be, but he will be the first to question anything the government does, honestly they have not done enough to take care of those guys.