SB Labs

BPC-157 Anybody tried this?

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Has anybody had any experience with this peptide? I am beginning to use it for shoulder pain, brought on by lifting, probably by overdoing it or compromising form. Really need a solution for this pain, it’s made gym life very painful, and I feel guilty because I know I should stop when it hurts but I don’t.
Yes I use it I used that and tb 500 for a serious case of tennis elbow from jackhammering on bridges for 60 hours a week for 3 months when I finally got done and discovered this I healed up in about 20 days when doctors were trying to operate it’s good shit wish some sponsors on here would offer it it’s good to have on hand for soft tissue injuries and I know anyone who exercises has been injured
Man really I got my shit off Amazon the first time then went straight to the source Pure Peps out of Indiana very cool dude tells you how to reconstitute it and everything they got a site
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