SB Labs

Wuhan Coronavirus update

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Staff member
Just an FYI. As of now.

Expect main phase out in mid July 2020. With reinfection rate peaking in Nov 2020- Jan 2021, and situation out around March 2021.

As far as shutdowns will vary by area and for how long. But globally the numbers should be around this area. Just prepare accordingly.
Dude I was looking at benches and weights and shit, it would be over $5000, I ain’t got it like that right now lol, my wife is looking on FB marketplace see if we can find anything
I don’t think this is going away anytime soon,will probably be yearly with the flu till a vaccine is possibly made.
I’d imagine people are price gouging that shit now too.

I have a lat pulldown/low cable row machine already, my buddy has the same thing and a bench, so going to have to heat his garage soon!

Honestly, if you wanted the pulldown, I’d give it to ya, might be a bitch to ship though.
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Shit fuck fuck!

Why can’t we just treat it like any other virus and take those normal precautions? A question all of you already know and agree with.
FB marketplace and craigslist. I’m gonna upgrade my half rack. Some pretty good prices on there. I got plenty of weights and bars ad dumbells and a medx chest press. Just need a better rack. Looking for one with cables (crossover, high and low). Prices varied so keep checking til you find the right one. I was looking before then decided I didn’t need to spend the money since I was going to the gym. Wish I woulda now.
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