SB Labs

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  1. Outlawthing

    Fun times with family or other

    You mean you ain’t got one of them big ass hairless rats in your pants. Mine is more like a mouse or a very small marsupial I tried to mess with a wolf rat at a transfer station one time thought I was gonna piss him off cause he went around a dead end corner and was trapped I had my big ass...
  2. Outlawthing

    About the Anything Goes category

    You realize I can chew your ear off with this stuff. This was my thing before I found something a lot softer and wetter to do. All I cared about was speed three crotch rockets two gsxr’s and a ninja had a old carbureted 600 with a sprocket on the back so big it would break the chain would run...
  3. Outlawthing

    About the Anything Goes category

    There is I wanna say a Subaru up here running around that thing beats the ground and when it takes off all you here is turbo and wastegate. My old boss had one that he done a bunch of stuff too and it surprised me. Two things I will never forget outran my lighting and it was turned wide ass open...
  4. Outlawthing

    About the Anything Goes category

    I tell you the funnest car by far we ever built was just a ls 5.7 in an ss camaro 99” nothing fancy stock bore and stroke but had about had bout 13k in engine alone we built it for one thing a shit load of nitrous and by curious george that’s what we did 250 shot and I mean a welding bottle of...
  5. Outlawthing

    Fun times with family or other

    Hairless all the way gives you a wow factor scare tactic who gonna mess with a big ass hairless rat
  6. Outlawthing

    Fun times with family or other

    I tell you hardest a have worked in a while and now I remember why I quit doing it. Not a spring chicken anymore I told the wife I was gonna do it for a few more checks getting that time of year and I try to do stuff for people who can’t. My wife gets so mad at me sometimes cause I would...
  7. Outlawthing

    Fun times with family or other

    What the heck John. Where is the hamster army you ready. I pulled a John today told a few people where they could go and what they could set on when they got there including my new boss. So that ought to work out. I get hangry when I’m tired. I need a snickers
  8. Outlawthing

    About the Anything Goes category

    I wrote an auto biography haha turbos are a lot wilder than superchargers for sure and different setups I love a good supercharger. Had a kenne bell on my lightning but I have to say turbos if you can control them are capable of more one thing we have noticed about turbos as well is the better...
  9. Outlawthing

    About the Anything Goes category

    You can take that engine right there only thing I would suggest is a HP oil pump and head studs or bolts (ARP) they are probably ok but you need to check your ring gap to be sure lcause that is gonna most likely be what kills it below 650-750 hp most of them I see or .25 anyway wether that’s...
  10. Outlawthing

    Fun times with family or other

    We had some major events at work then people left. It’s too much work for sure especially with what I do. I finally stopped Friday about 2 am and I crashed and burned slept all day yesterday and could have done it again today. I feel like I just did a meet I didn’t realize how worn down I was...
  11. Outlawthing

    Why trenbolone isn’t for everybody

    Tren and deca are like oil and water to me. I love deca but don’t really run it these days. I get bigger and bigger and bigger. I think since deca is made for wasting and anemia’s And I have thalassemia it corrects the issues I have from it. I get so strong wouldn’t be an issue to hit 300lb. I...
  12. Outlawthing

    Fun times with family or other

    I got him to do dunk tank BF before and after. Less than 6% before was 17. Only bad thing I saw was he dropped the BF so fast his skin was loose he does not look like himself anymore and everyone thinks he got strung out till you show them
  13. Outlawthing

    Fun times with family or other

    He said he was gonna do it. And he did. Had a lot good folk helping. But he is the one that put in the work and dedication. This is no joke he literally did not eat anything other than his meals. And it was shrimp raw cabbage and and just enough carbs to piss him off till he was flat then a...
  14. Outlawthing

    Fun times with family or other

    Rusty you sure that isn’t a picture of you going buck ass wild ??
  15. Outlawthing

    Fun times with family or other

    All hell broke loose at work our boss quit, two techs quit another got fired. We sposed to have a 12 man crew plus clerical, parts, and management support. There was 6 of us now there are three and we got one Secretary who is drowning in work I had 132 hrs in 10 days. Ain’t worked like this...
  16. Outlawthing

    Fun times with family or other

    Sry I been awol fellows been helping a friend do his first show. He won two classes. Got third overall ( NPC MEET! ). He put in some serious dedication and work went from 320lbs to 216 day of show. Keep in mind he is 6”3. Not to mention we work our asses off on the job. 4:00 in morn 1 1/2. Hr...
  17. Outlawthing

    About the Anything Goes category

    Look up vindicator cam. It will impress you I have sent it in multiple vehicles from naturally aspirated to nitrous to procharged to turbo. We crammed it in a 6.0 and a 5.7 in a c6 flat tops zero deck heads shaved so far intake holes were off. The cam designer Said that it wasn’t gonna work in...
  18. Outlawthing

    I’m Starting Glutathione (GSH)

    Let’s us know how it works I been wanting to try it myself ….
  19. Outlawthing

    You either win or you learn

    Well you got me hook line and sinker. I’m routing for you boss. You gonna do like a rematch or is it on to the next guy. So when you fighting Jake Paul or whatever his name is that is supposedly beating everyone. I think you can take him. 🙂
  20. Outlawthing

    If you can help. And support. Please do

    Wonderful people boss she took the time to email me personally and have a conversation with me. I’m gonna send some stuff to help out as well. They think the world of you big boy !!