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SB Labs

Why trenbolone isn’t for everybody

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Hard to say as I wasn’t doing the best diet and wht not in my ten but I was making gains and felt hard as fuck while in deficit. Of course that deficit was due to my problems with hitting the slopes and not eating
😂😂😂 same. This new grad asked “what’s wrong with you” at work the other night. I said just give it time child. You too will have this same calloused but crazy look in your eye of the weary night shift nurse.
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Ooooooof. That’s a rough night for sure. I said fuck you to a door last night. That’s why that girl asked me what’s wrong with me. It happens.
There’s a specific part of the lymphatic system in the brain that flushes it out. I can’t remember the name of it. Left neuro 6 months ago and couldn’t be happier haha it’s a natural process of our body. Or else our brains would be worthless
Tren it’s a great compound right up till it ain’t I’m good at low dose for short periods but big dose and shortness of breath and anxiety through roof long periods of time and everything I look at I wanna hump and thing is they want to back the old” no means yes till it means no then it still means yes thing “ then I start to hear the voices telling me what to do only way I can sleep at all is to eat super clean Or I soak the bed so bad I have to change clothes two times and wife says to the couch then I’m freezing but burning up at same time after that the voices start driving and I’m the voices going don’t do it as I’m doing it. I don’t get Violent but I say my peace have no filter or out of bounds and hornet is an understatement. I don’t want to eat but feel tired and weak a lot skin tightens up bout 8 week mark im done my advice is hydrate hydrate hydrate
I honestly didn’t find the sleep part much worse
Than I already have but the way yiu explains the voices and what not just my brain regularly when trying to sleep never want so to shut off object in motion and all. Then again once I do get good sleep it wants to stay there for 12 hours or run I’m going to actualy log sleep 2 weeks prior to run 2 weeks in the middle of run and the man maybe wait a few weeks and log two weeks to see how it affects sleep
Tren and deca are like oil and water to me. I love deca but don’t really run it these days. I get bigger and bigger and bigger. I think since deca is made for wasting and anemia’s And I have thalassemia it corrects the issues I have from it. I get so strong wouldn’t be an issue to hit 300lb. I don’t get bloated but I do get a more smooth look. Now tren actually makes me leaner and harder skin tightens up veins pop out I do gain about 15 lbs from it but then I’m in a holding pattern with deca i can get as big as my britches will let me
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