Can I ask one question? Well I guess that’s two but what made you question your gameplan. For that little bit. Don’t have to answer me I just wondered. I already read it twice!
Mark of Beast boys. It’s right in front of everyone. And they don’t see a thing. I’m not crazy but end of times sounds about right. To me. Disease, food shortages, horrible storms before it’s over you won’t be able to do or get anything without vaccine. Sounds like mark to me. False prophets...
Tell them to start at the White House then DC. To kill the taliban you have to kill the leaders and they ain’t in no cave. At least trump threw a few MOABS Over there. Take over the damn place or turn it to glass either way problem solved no more high gas prices no more casualties. We loose so...
Then you wasn’t doing it right “ if it ain’t curable it’s treatable” it all about suppression nowadays. Good memories Yes ?the lonely hotel room. the stripper who brought the coke you bought, you know it’s a quality hotel when the desk clerk starts telling you where you can get your fix . The...
I always give them a hard time I told last one that I was a male escort for high end women. She said she didn’t hear it and told me don’t you dare say it again here. I smiled put my hand on top of hers and calmly said “ you get a discount for that.” She was ghost white. I never broke character...
Money is why pays good a lot of my family members did or do it. They went everywhere. Out of state country uncle was a really good at it apparently. Till his eyesite got bad from welding. Hell they were making what I do now 20 years ago
One poops good. if your pooping 2-3 times a day I would say your eating too much. It’s the quality of the food that makes difference. Raw or steamed veggies. No preservatives, no additives. Look on back if you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it.most of that stuff is or has a type if sugar. If it...
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