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Vaccine Mandates-going to get messy


Military Vet

I see where the FDA has just approved the Pfizer Covid vaccine. Its only a matter of time before the others get approved. This may open the door for businesses and other government agencies to mandate the vaccination. I can see this going to the Supreme Court. Its going to get messy for those who refuse to get the vaccination. I’m still not vaccinated and don’t plan too.
My take on it if you have already caught covid, Get the vaccine. I mean you already had it. What can the vaccine do it ain’t already done? Had covid last year then struggled with getting vaccine or not. Ended up getting it for my family. I got covid again after the vaccine. The difference was the first time I was out for two weeks. I did take a. Zpack I believe it helped secondary issues but I still was weak, out of breath, heart palpitations, thinking off. My taste and smell ain’t been right since. It was gone while I had covid. The vaccine put me down for two days I’m pretty sure mine was the Johnson and Johnson single shot. When I got covid second time I felt like I had flu for a day headache, fever, cold sweats. Next morning I was fine bout two days later I noticed I couldn’t smell again at all then my brother called and said he had it. I was around him all weekend so I got tested. It never slowed me down really. My brother in law caught it bout same time and he just got out of hospital this weekend been in there 45 days. Has to carry oxygen around. Can barely walk. Lost 42 lbs. he looks like death warmed over. He had not gotten vaccinated. I can’t say that’s the difference. But to me that’s a hell of a coincidence. Now if you made it this far without getting it. I would not get it. My 4 yr old will not be getting it either. I believe in freedom of choice 100%, the govt
Will squeeze us till we do what they want.
Or they will give a stimulus. Or starve us by keeping stuff shut down. The whole problem here is we can’t trust them for shit
in the 1990s Australia gave up their guns. Right now the government overreach is unreal back to Nazi days. All social media is monitored to prosecute offenders. In most areas you are allowed to be away from home only 2 hours a day. If you dont have the vaccine you cant get food at the grocery store even. Everything shut down to those not vaccinated. Police have shut down food banks saying its a risk. A few days ago a guy was arrested and sentenced to 8 months jail for trying to organize a protest against the govt. All within 24 hours. No court date with attorneys, no bail. Arrested and tried in a single day. People in Australia are now wishing they never gave up their guns and saying how horrible the country has become under the local government. There was a 12 yr old kid just holding a sign saying “Let me play” and they sprayed him with pepper spray.

The government will keep pushing how far they think they can get away with things unless people physically stop them. Homeland already declared people against the vaccine as terrorist threats. But the real problem is everyone will want help when it happens to them but no one will help others when its not happening to them. Thats the reality and what we are witnessing all over the world right now.

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Your right about that NO ONE. Seems to give a shit anymore what’s going on as long as it ain’t them. People will drive by someone in need of help. Ignore something that they should stop. But the same person will say no one helped me when it is them. The govt uses racism and income inequality and shit like that to keep us divided. Because if we all stood up for something together they couldn’t ignore it. So they keep the pot stirred. Who said United we stand, divided we fall? Oh that’s right the Bible, oh and one of our founding fathers……
I posted two videos with doctors and professors against the vaccine and why… my aunt shared with me these Videos… so long though i have not fully watched yet…
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If it ain’t my fucking choice I’m not doing it, and we shouldn’t be concerned with what other people do or be judgmental. I swear if someone says some bullshit to me I’m popping them . Idgaf what you choose to do as far as vaccinating and its none of my damn business. I fight for what I believe in.

Probably the Tren talking…
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Social media made this a problem. It s all about me. For example look what I’m eating, look at my clothes, look at me at the movies on the phone not watching the fucking movies. People nowadays are fucked. But in my opinion its all part of the plan.