SB Labs

Recent labs I got the total labs every thing else was in range

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I don’t know where you’re located but privatemdlabs dot com allows you to pick your own labs and not use insurance.
Your right at most I have seen 300 mg per week make normal levels but the guy is 280 6ft 4in two. I have helped a lot of folk through the years and it seems to follow less for smaller guys one guy takes 125 mg per week and his stays at 800-900 but he is 185 lbs maybe and short. Me it takes 200-250 per week. A lot of it depends on your adipose tissue too I seen people with 600 total test have high free test he’ll I got one for you my father in law ain’t picked up a weight in his life or AAS he knew I was on TRT so he asked me about it when he got his 62yr old checkup his total test was at 1200. He is very lean and strong as shit to be less than 6 feet and maybe 175. I think of it like this your. Total test is like a gas tank. Your free test is how much gas you got to use l. most important to me is free test. It’s what does all the yummy stuff we are after. I wonder about your estro was it saying it was <15 and needed to be <39 or higher. May be the proviron. I would keep your dose and just pin every 3 days if it’s a little high go 4. I wouldn’t go past 5 tops however you will get a rollercoaster of hormones. Now test undecelanate If I spelled it right. I been seriously eyeballing that just to see what would happen you would have to front load or supplement it till it got to kicking. I wonder how stable it is. I personally like sustanon but it’s not very stable either
Ok so basically what I’m getting here from basically everyone on here 250 is plenty but just pin every 3 days and next time I get labs pin that day then get labs ???
250 a week split twice a week is a good starting point. Very easy to adjust up and down.

You can pin twice a week by week days. The e3d just works for me.
My doc wants my labs on day 3 after pinning. I may or may not do it… been doing this so long a day here or there won’t make a diff for me.
Ya my first run was with sust I got strong asf but 1 of the esters in it was giving Mr anxiety so I just stick to what I know now
Sounds like the boys put together a solid game plan for you brother. I agree with the esters comment, people say “text is test “ but for me test prop might as well be a diff compound. Makes me feel a little too wired and anxious
Ya man this is a great group glad 1 of my boys turned me onto it back in 19 always solid advice from multiple sources
It was the undecanoate, It will spike on you. Did you get the anxiety after you had been on a while ? Has a super long ester. Half life is stupid high but it doesn’t release much at a time so you can’t tell and everyone you take a shot you add more and more and when it finally kicks in it’s. Hard penis, crazy eye, can’t tell you shit mode Shop around they make several test blends, if I was gonna do every three day I would add some test prop or phenyl prop.
I would think you only get crazy sides is when your not pinning frequently enough with prop ED or EOD. If not whore-moan rollercoaster cause acne bacne sweats greasy face pissed off moody I quest labs is far cheaper if you have them for blood work. As good as your bloodwork was I still believe e5d if you have 200 mg test every 4 and it would be perfect 250 split does is 125 e3d o bet your test levels will drop? When you get bloods again?
It was a spike when it hits hang on for the ride baby
Prop won’t do that unless you don’t pin over couple days and take a shit ton
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