You’ve been pretty good about taking Hypertrophy breaks in your training, your goal is strength so a nice little beach body split for a little bit will be a nice change.
Woke up way too early. Couldn’t go back to sleep.
Quick upper:
DB flat bench: 15,15,12,12,10,10
DB High Incline: 15,12,12,12,10
Chest supported DB row: 12,12,12,10,10
Pull down: 15,15,12,12,10
Shrugs: 15,15,15,12,12
Lateral raise: 12,12,12,10,10
Eggs whites. Pancakes. Peanut butter. White pomegranate tea. Water. OJ.
Letting my wife pick a hike today. She likes those 9-10 milers. Might train after. Might not depends on what the trail holds.
Hope it helps. You’ve already altered the two main causes. So there’s no point in getting labs it won’t tell you what actually caused it. Which is why I said wait until you get labs.
I totally skimmed that at first. Apologies apologies.
Well if we think through the physiology- without the increased estrogen load from test, combined with the Neuro toxicity of all AAS, but potentially increased with Tren because of the insomnia we can say it would be neurologically...
Negative. Where will your estrogen come from? Abort mission. Remember estrogen is our protector from stroke, blood clot, heart attack, aides renal function too.
This is a very bad plan. So is deca only.
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