SB Labs

HCG Suppressing HPTA

These aren’t my bloods (someone else’s) but I wanted to share cause I thought it was great to see. We always say HCG is suppressive. This person is on HCG monotherapy. As you can see it clearly is suppressive. How suppressive, and how quick a bounce back would be is interesting to think about. But either way, those LH/FSH are basically TRT levels how suppressed they are. Worth noting labs prior to treatment show excellent LH/FSH
His body seems to be producing own wonder if they did clomid nolva after taking him off how the number would
Look in a few months
HCG is great for fertility. I will continue to use it in short bursts and pre-PCT as well. It’s a great compound it does its job and I jumpstarts the balls I’ve had great success with it. I just wanted I show this because some people use it long term in conjunction with PCT which it is clearly suppressive. But it has its place. I’ll plan to use it on-cycle to keep the boys working, or blast a bunch the last few weeks of cycle, then have a good window of nothing prior to PCT.
I think I would talk to the doc. Maybe get fertility testing if you’re having a problem. I have no idea how HCG effect sperm motility and counts.
Yea good call. Looking back on my comment “HCG is great for fertility”. I actually have no fuckin idea lol. I just have heard many places prescribing it for that.
😂😂😂 I know it’s a good thing for women with fertility struggles. But no idea what it does for men.

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