
  1. B

    Trained natural looking to go enchanced

    Hi, so I’ve Finally found a forum that seems to be a real one! I’ve been training natural for almost 5 years 5.9 200 lbs. but I’m looking to take it to the next level and compete. I had recently purchased test en 300 off of topsteroidsonline who sent me a product from bioteq labs. And it turned...
  2. Papa_Bear_1970

    Best gear for cutting weight

    I have been working out for some time and now need to drop weight, A LOT of weight. I’m not in a hurry, so I don’t care how long it takes. What would you recommend as a stack?
  3. Papa_Bear_1970

    Injection site when injecting Test Prop

    I’m on a cycle that includes Test Cyp, Deca & Test Prop. I only inject in my glutes and the Test Cyp & Deca give me no problems. But every time I inject Test Prop, I get a lump in my gluteus for about 48 hours. Doesn’t matter what part of my glutes I inject and it doesn’t matter how fast or slow...
  4. unicorn

    Introduction of unicorn

    Ok so been in to bodybuilding since 07 and started competing in 2011 and finished with my last show in 2016.
  5. Anabisi

    Water. Which do you drink? Which do you believe is the best?

    We all drink water …when i was young i would drink out of a hose, water from the sink and never thought twice about it. NOW I keep bottles of spring water in the house usually Poland Springs. But has anyone ever felt differently from Drinking Figi water or this new recovery water caller Oxygen...
  6. S

    Dropping body fat while on birthcontrol

    I am just curious to see if any other female is having or has had this problem. I started the BC pill about 8 months ago and have noticed a 8lb weight gain that no matter what I do with diet and exercise I just can’t seem to get past. I went to get bloodwork done and the doc said my estrogen...
  7. Jobie5

    Funny. Not sure if this is allowed

    Funny meme from Instagram.
  8. D

    Introduction, new user

    New to the forum. Iv been training for almost five years and have recently been competing in classic physique.
  9. USMCInfantryBrothers

    Wanna-Be Power-Lifting Ectomorph (Pics Included)

    Hi warriors!!! I wanted to post my stats and pics and give you a little more info about me and the journey. 34 years old US Marine who did four years (Forward Observer) 2nd Battalion 8th Marines. (Deployed to Afghan twice, both combat zones). Now selling real estate, in the sunshine state...
  10. rudidada

    Aas with haemophilia

    Hello everyone! a friend of mine suffers from haemophilia (Type B) and I was wondering if he could ever run an aas cycle. He already used sarms without any problem, but you know aas cycles are kinda different. Thanks in advance.
  11. Dmomuchole

    My log and weigh in (day one)

    Wk-1 Test cyp-200mg (starting dose) Dbol 40-50mg HT 5’11 Today I weigh in at 167.4lb pretty solid/lean starting weight. I gained 3lbs since changing my diet a week ago. All Protein Intake at the moment is at about a 150-200g, I’ve been eating good grains, couscous, oatmeal, rice ECT. 50 g...
  12. TBU

    A little motivation from Germany

    I watch this cat every day before working out. I cannot even imagine getting to this level. But I’m gunna try. This is my daily routine. Watch Markus. Go to the gym. When I’m gassed think not going to make it if I quit now…
  13. Babyhulk0131

    DHB experiences or any info plz

    Looking to try DHB compound. Very limited info on it. I know it’s an altered form of EQ “kinda” wondering how it made you feel in the gym etc. I plan to stack it with decca and test for 15 weeks.
  14. Dmomuchole

    Let's talk about Blasting and Cruising 🚀

    Let’s talk about blasting and cruising, how do you guys run these cycles? I read online briefly how some do it, but I’m curious about your experience. How do you guys dose throughout, how much, what do you guys run for your gyno sides? What do guys run? Most of all why, what are the results you...
  15. GillyTheKid

    Thoughts on Winstrol for performance

    If you used Winstrol please share what you think about it and what it has done for you as well as sides you experienced. I would like to use it for explosive lifts in weightlifting and adding that extra punch in MMA
  16. D

    Price on dumbbells , plates?

    What is the best price for a 10lbs plates cast iron unbranded? Best price for adjustable dumbbell set 30lbs?