
  1. PHD

    Chest, shoulders and triceps

    Hit chest , shoulders and triceps tonight. Week 5 of Aeres by john Meadows. This is an old program he didn’t put out due to how intense it is.
  2. PHD

    Big news in the bodybuilding world

    Hey everyone. So a couple of weeks ago a buddy of mine who is very connected in the Ifbb pro league and knows a lot of the pros personally shared some privileged information with me that just broke headlines yesterday. So everyone knows Nick Walker and his coach Matt Jansen? Well Nick gives...
  3. anabolic_geek

    Geek's Big Guns Recomp

    Hello again fit fam! I know I’ve been quiet lately here over the holidays. This is because my program has been on cruise mode here until today – my next cut. I made a lot of progress last cut. I lost 8 pounds and kept 5 of it off. Most of it came back here in the last week and a half or so...
  4. A

    Primoteston Depot side effects

    ehy guys, how’s hanging? quick question: rumors at the gym that this Primoteston Depot has all of benefits of many other ordinary gears but not the nasty hair fall side effect. Is that true?
  5. Cynolycus

    New here and kind of overwhelmed

    Hello everyone! I am excited to join this community, but please let me know if I fucked up somehow in this post. The only relevant tag I could find is bodybuilding for example. I am 19 M, 170 lbs and 6’. Body fat % is around 8-10 and completely natty. I joined this community because I would like...
  6. A

    Muscle soarness, is it always sign of a good training?

    Ehy All, the question is if soarness it’s the only sign of a good training hence muscle growth or not always/necessary. Asking this as I see my muscle not longer soar as it was at the beginning of my training. cheers
  7. A

    Peptides, do they really work?

    Hi All, been on gear for a while and I m quite annoyed on this perverse side effect of losing hair. !!! Question: would peptised give me the same results as test+deca etc…but not the side effects? thanks Angelo
  8. A


    Ehy guys, as you might have heard we are in lockdown down-under. It’s been now 3 months and another 2/3 head. I was on 500mcg of Test + 250mcg of Deca per week Around 3000 calories per day Hitting the gym 4 days a week Wonder: what to do next ? I guess without training I have to re-think the...
  9. T

    Second Cycle Log | Test E 300mg/week + Var | Advice Welcome

    So, I think it’s about time I start my second cycle, I’m pretty set on running… 300mg of Test E (again, I felt fucking amazing at 300) 25mg of Var for week 4-6 50mg of Var for week 6-12 I wanted to get y’all’s thoughts. Of course, I would be training like I did last cycle but this time...
  10. X

    22 Year Old Natural Grad Student with High T, WORTH THE READ

    Hi Folks, WORTH THE READ I am new to the forum and excited to introduce myself. As indicated in the title, I am a 22 year old male with no prior PED use. I am 5’11, 175lbs and somewhere between 10-15% body fat. I was an athlete throughout my childhood as I wrestled for 14 years and played...
  11. A


    Hi there guys, it;s been now 1 + year since on gear. Great stuff but causing (among the other) visible hair loss. I m 47, never had this issue before. Taking finasteride 1 mg twice a day (double the dose recommended) still… I understand it all comes down to the level of DHT triggered by gear...
  12. TBU

    Favorite bodybuilder or powerlifter

    OK. Just going to generate some posts here so you all have something to do or something to think about. I’d like to see all Staff make contributions at least one a day if possible to keep the site active. If you can that is just to keep us all active. Can be anything. Well anything on a normal...
  13. Bigmurph6

    “What They Don’t Tell You” about Primobolan or Methenolone Enanthate

    So Primobolan depot or methenolone enanthate is talked about as the greatest compound known to AAS maybe not the greatest but supposedly the most perfect ever made lets see what they tell you and then what really happens in real life and you can get to the truth by adding A+B= real life Lol...
  14. A

    Would gear make muscles grow even without training?

    hi there guys down under here we are in lockdown. I m having test +deca (plain vanilla …) wonder: would muscles grow even without training ? to which point ?
  15. Bigmurph6

    Running Nolvadex instead of an AI can it work?

    It can work definitely nolvadex or tamoxifen citrate will block estrogen from binding to receptors preventing gyno. The negatives are that nolvadex lowers igf1 in the body plus your estrogen level won’t be controlled which causes serious problems to your cardiovascular system if estrogen is...
  16. A

    Bigger shoulders not coming up

    hi there guys, tried to search here some blogs about bigger shoulders but none. Very simple question: how to get serious bigger shoulders? I have followed every possible kind of training and excercises, and yes shoulder got bigger in line with the rest of my body but just not that WOW look. I...
  17. Dmomuchole

    Got my brother to join UGM give him a shout out

    This is his my brothers username @Lenkynot4longy. He’s a good dude he’s getting his life together and we’re going to get him in shape. I let him know about you guys so he can learn about our lifestyles and I know you guys can be really helpful.Hopefully he post an intro cause I know you guys...
  18. A

    Please help with some info about anabolic steroids and protectors

    hi there guys tired of going to the gym and not building muscle I have been injecting test for …let’s say 6 months. 2ml (or 500 mcg) per week. FANTASTIC !!! Since then I started developing issues with prostate first (going overnight to the toilet up to 4 times), boldness and God knows what’s...
  19. P

    Igf1-1L3 and Hgh Timing and experience with the 2

    Hello… New to the site. Love it. I have a question about combining the 2 compounds Igf1-LR3 and Hgh . I see some stuff here and there. I see it combined with Insulin but I don’t see the 2 by themselves. Is there a log or article I could be guided to? I’m just curious about timing etc. I’m sure...
  20. Heman713

    New Cycle Hoping for some Gains

    Well Just started my 3 rd cycle.500mg test and 200mg NPP for 10 weeks …Well this is my 3rd cye where I actually add something else which is npp…I chose that for reasons…I am one who like to start off small then more on the next…So my cycle is 10 weeks of 500mg Test ,200 mg of Npp and 12.5...