SB Labs


  1. Bigmurph6

    Iron junkie labs member of the month september

    IRON JUNKIE LABS MEMBER OF THE MONTH CONTEST SEPTEMBER I would like to thank @Iron_Junkie_Labs for sponsoring the member of the month contest for September. The rules are as follows: Member with the most posts and the most likes throughout the month of September will be the winner. You can copy...
  2. Bigmurph6

    8wk cycles over 16wk cycles more or less?

    So I have seen posts about TRT and about controlling estrogen on long esters. So I wanted to go right in the middle with this discussion. There are so many people that will swear that 8wk cycles are the best and that you make your best gains in the first 8wks. This is of course using fast esters...
  3. Canabolics


    Domestic Shipping Only - Canada Hey Canadian UGM members, we have some amazing sales for you this month. Now is your chance to get some of our best deals yet! Website: Check our reviews: Payment Options: Bitcoin, E-Transfer...
  4. Primo

    Primo's Iron Junkie Labs test e 300mgs var 50mg cycle Iron Junkie Labs

    Im going to wait until Monday to inj my first shot of the Iron Junkie Labs test e 300mgs. I just wanted to get my cycle log going. My diet is a simple high protein high carb decent fats diet. Im going to be bulking on this. I know bulking with anavar sounds stupid but in all honesty I really...
  5. Azazel2949

    Etalaze order New verified src

    Just wanted to say I was very pleased with my order from Shipping was fast and discreet , checking out was a breeze can’t wait to try what I got and post a review. Here’s a pic of what I got. 5x organon sust 250mgs/ml 1x trna trex 150mgs/ml Thanks again.
  6. TG1

    Blood work and testing

    How’s everyone we would like to create a blood work and a testing category. So if its a labmax test a roidtest or your blood work pre, mid ,and post cycle this is now the section to post it in. I hope that even if anyone has older blood work if they could post it here so that our members can see...
  7. eternick170

    UGMuscle (Desktop) Concerns

    Aside from bugs observed in the layout, it felt necessary to create a thread to document requests/preferences for whoever is modifying the structure of UGMuscle. My contribution as the first post: TopofthePage.png974×73 12.2 KB The top of the page overlaps the text and links.
  8. TG1

    Scammers going after sources on websites

    It seems someone is making the rounds online shutting down domain addresses like a pussy of sites selling gear. Apparently this jackass has now gone thru sources on Eroids and now I heard from one on ProM today theres is down too. What he does is report domains to the registrars for abuse and...
  9. Review

    UGFreaks Review. Real - Fake - Scam. View Info

    ##Website or Contact Info: Technical Info From site owners ##Rate Bad - Shitty Source Below Average Average Above Average Excellent 0 voters
  10. Review aka SteroidsPharmacy ***ALERT- Possible Scam Warning***

    ##Website or Contact Info ##ALERT- Site is listed on the same server as site and All three sites appear to show no connection to each other on the website itself. Source code of 2 sites is exact same format and base website. Possible SCAM...
  11. Review aka Steroidsforsale ***ALERT- Possible Scam Warning Please Read***

    ##Website or Contact Info: ##ALERT- Site is listed on the same server as site and All three sites appear to show no connection to each other on the website itself. Source code of 2 sites is exact same format and base website. Possible SCAM...
  12. Review aka OriginalSteroid Review. Real - Fake - Scam. View Info

    ##Website or Contact Info: Technical Info From site owners ##Rate Bad - Shitty Source Below Average Average Above Average Excellent 0 voters
  13. Bigmurph6

    Ugm contests category

    Category is for all UGM Contests.