12 Week test E winstrol & anavar


Tell me what you think guys. Especially if some of the doses could go up or down. I know probably the test could go up a 100mg some weeks, maybe all. I’ve used test solo in upwards of 500 a week but never with winstrol or var. Also, if I need to go up or down on the win or var. Lastly, not sure what my AI/ pct should look like with this combination. I’m susceptible to gyno and arimidex didn’t do shit, currently waiting for some aromasin see if that does me better.
Kind of similar to what I’m currently doing but I’m just test and var

400mg a week of test cyp
50mg a day of Anavar

Week one had Anavar at 25mg, this is my second week so I bumped to 50

I plan on running this for about 8-9 weeks total
@PNWmuscle gotcha. I guess I’m thinking of winstrol that its not recommended to run longer than 6 weeks? But that could also be in conjunction to running other things, I cant remember. I’ve read so much in just the last 2 weeks its hard to keep track of all the knowledge.
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Looks like your getting your cycle tuned in with all the experience hear. Love seeing stuff like this. I agree with @NeuroRN. I was running var on my last cycle 25 twice per day. I’d personally up the test also.