1990s Bodybuilding and cycles


Well-known member
So I was cleaning out my garage this weekend and came across probably 100 flex & muscle and fitness magazines from the 1990s…Obviously the garage didn’t get cleaned out as I spent two hours looking through the magazines and reminiscing of my teenage years!

So the question becomes… why where these guys is such “better” (opinion obviously) condition then pros today…i.e. levone, ray, wheeler, labrada, priest, haney, etc. No bubble guts…proportion, symmetry and overall great aesthetics. Was it the drugs, diet, training regimes, less GH and insulin?

Does anyone have factual knowledge of cycles the guys in the 1990s ran…Obviously it was much more taboo to share secrets than it is now. I’ve heard from reputable sources most of the guys in the 1990s stuck to the basic (3)… test, deca, and dbol in a blast and cruise regimen all year… and winny close to competitions.
I think there wasn’t many ugls around so most gear was pharm grade. Not to mention we live in a age where bigger is better so we over use all the drugs and over due it. Could be way off but my personal opinion. Not too mention wasn’t so much processed food back then etc
It’s covered a lot. You basically did what others were or if you had good connections, as much as you could, but it was relative. I’ve talked to a few pros back then did AAu which was done in like 92? For my first show I had 6 cases lyphomed deca, few hundred anavar, 50 mg EQ, sterile test, winstrol v. Teslac, cytadren(not much, lasix. Anyway, all real. So, I took what I thought was a lot. 500 mg EQ, 4 deca(800), 600 test, 25mg anavar…now there is 50mg anavar. 10-20 anavar back then(25-50mg) was a lot, 10cc of EQ…a lot! Now its 200 or more per cc. Then there were the shaun Davis’s and guys that just took everything as much as they could get. No matter what, I never knew anyone that did 400 deca, a couple dbol, like lee priest mentions and he was here training with a good friend for over a year, he didn’t abuse like me but I don’t know why he says his use was so average? Tons of diuretics, other drugs that would mimic what is out today. I think overall it was less total drugs including all the kidney damage and other damage that was done by recreational drugs.