30 year old bodybuilder from Pittsburgh

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2 g a day Niacin, 100mg a day garlic extract, 5g a day fiber, and 2400mg/day fish oil for lipids. 500mg/day TUDCA for liver. 500mg a day Naringin and 500mg Bromelaine + 325mg aspirin for blood support.
I would encourage you to consider inject glutathione and telmisartan. Especially if you’re going to continue to do things like run anadrol and winstrol together.
Honestly, I’m not doing that again anytime soon. But I am interested in the glutathione and telmisartan, I’m currently on Losartan and Carvedilol. What benefits will I see from the glutathione?
mattlifts92 said:
I’m currently on Losartan and Carvedil
For BP control?

glutathione is a requirement for basic cellular function. It’s a powerful antioxidant in the body, repairing the stress we put on our organs playing this game. It’s liver and kidney protective more so than anything else on the market besides and ARB (losartan/telmisartan) it helps with lipids.

Big picture- covid, Alzheimer’s, acne, some cancers, and other diseases all show at least correlational data to low glutathione levels. The More you stress your body the more glutathione it burns.
Yes I’d assumed you were recommending the telmisartan for BP. I will order the glutathione. Is it like gear where there is fake/counterfeit floating around? Or can I buy from wherever
So ARBs are the single most protective compound we can run. Most of what plagues the enhanced athlete comes from the RAAS cascade that ends in angiotensin II. as we increase androgens and estrogens angiotensin II increases dramatically- Bloat, Kinday cardiac liver and neurological stress to the point of damage, and ARBs block all of that.

If you’re under the supervision of a physician for your BP Then stick with what’s working. I’m coming from a health and well-being angle, not care for a pathological response already occurring in the body.

Aminos unlimited is where most of us get inject glutathione. It’s cheap, not patentable so there’s no reason to be fakes. But I’ve only used them with great success. Oral glutathione won’t do much.
It does indeed. As does alpha lipoic acid. I take both, as well as supplement with 300mg a week of glutathione.

Inject covers a wider range it seems while NAC seems to better directly support the liver. At least last time I looked (always new research coming out)

If you add inject glutathione be sure to add a zinc supplement to your daily vitamins.
I’ve been using glutathione for about a year at @NeuroRN recommendation. Other than the other benefits, the cognitive improvement is what I’m most interested in.

Also the common denominator of low glutathione in all the common things that plague us old folks.

I can vouch for the glutathione and telmisartan combo. I’m feeling very good.
How do I get telmisartan? Just ask my doctor directly? She doesn’t endorse my gear use, and is actually quite vocal about me “killing myself”. She needs to realize I’m going to do it, so she might as well help keep me safe.
If you’re already on losartan for BP control I’d say stay with that. Losartan lowers pressure much more effectively than telmisartan.

I preach telmisartan bc it has a longer active half life, and doesn’t effect BP as much.

But yes. You could ask your doc to switch. Do you have any negative side effects with the carvedolol?
mattlifts92 said:
How do I get telmisartan? Just ask my doctor directly?
I did and he scripted them.

Full disclosure.

I’m an advanced age lifter with diabetes and some renal problems. My BP was never “high” but it was trending in the wrong direction.

I have a daughter that runs a nephrology research facility and she said that’s a good call.
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