SB Labs

4/25 installment of diets and training

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Everything needs sleep. Hope they figure your issue out and you’ll see how much better you are with some
Man im hoping so. And hope you decide to go pro. Ive seen you change alot probably more than anyone on here. It would be a shame to stop now
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Yeah i know hes a big mfr strong as shit. What you been up 2 are you still cutting trees or something like that
Yeah. I’m kind of bored with it. It’s gotten to the point that it’s not fun anymore. I was just thinking the other day that I need a supply of eggs like you. Between me and the kids. We go through a dozen and half every day.
Technically I don’t their are pro cards like bb so goign pro is just getting sponsors in pl.
I wasn’t really sure I mean I’m not surprised I’m lifting as heavy as I am. But when I got back at it 600 on bench seemed like a lot jow I’m thinking we can get 700 eventually. I just don’t know how I’m goj g to Blount eye weight on to get their. Maybe I’ll actually not burn it all when using ment instead of tren. I was actually making progress there for awhile even with drug use
I got to e trifecta working for me above average genitive to start with responds well to gear. And body can tolerate it pretty good
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