5 weeks to go time

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Well my sport isn’t looking good it’s lifting big. And I got 16 pounds I can gain for weight class
Ok valid point. I’m sure that’s what all the big guys say,like oh we’re big,but we’re ugly as fuck
keep Doig what your doing. Here is the fork in the road…gotta pose and keep tight. adjust your posing or for instance after side chest , Hit your serrratus/obliques. They look like they are gonna be really tight. If you commit to this insanity and you have , you owe it to yourself to absolutely bring the best physique and get lots of pics!!! You listen to one person you trust and hopefully you feel thin and really angry the day of weigh ins! The only advice I would give and could give is pose, pose pose… get the right angles, Keep your weight on your best leg and keep hams tight from the back. I like the left side chest. OR…just coast and bring your that guy looks good for a Master competitor physique look! Fuck that, that’s like saying to @Dirtnasty , don’t gain anymore weight or strength just go 700-400-700…that pretty good 1800 or go elite at 2000@ 275(?) I dot know his PR but …as much as I hate bbing, I love it more. Put on the blinders…Its cool to think about this goal for just another month and win the open ad the masters, and call it a day. I was a pretty good wrestler and a guess after they downloaded all the classes, one of the best PL at one time. But smoking everyone at bbing shows and being the last one out there felt great. everyone was a little cocky backstage and you pump up and take you sweats off…its cool when (there chicks back there too,but I used to just go in a corner) You get ready for prejudging and everyone gets that look like ahhh fuck, I guess I’m gonna fight for second, little did they know I felt the same way. Until all the family and friends of the (bikini just started) 1000 men’s physique and bikini fans gasp!!! your getting rii\pped now its time to get Shredded like cole slaw and veiny like a lettuce. Keep Kickin ASS.
Haha that is an awesome post. Working on posing with my coach tomorrow night. He’s happy with the progress I’ve made so far, noting there is still lots to be done. I’m sure he will be dropping the hammer after tomorrow for the final 4 weeks. Got a pretty cool song picked for night show but just keeping it basic and as you said working on my angles and where I look best. I trust my coach Evan who I’m sure you are very familiar with and we’ve decided on a few must haves and a few stay away. Lol
Thanks for the push in the home stretch
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