SB Labs

7 weeks out

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Thanks bro. Yup you always nailed my weight and plus you are the only one that’s seen me on stage. Honestly makes me want to do nationals one more time just to see if I can still hang with the young bulls. But I’m doing 2 classes at masters so that’s a lot of money to dump on a show.

Really means a lot that you say these things. I know you have a keen eye.

Let me know about omega. I’ll hit him up today and make sure to take extra care and maybe see if he will throw you an item in on me. What say you @Omegaman take care of my guy here
That would be great, But Id feel like Im back on Eroids whoring specials…Im just kidding. Some of the promoters, used to cry because they had guest posers and couldn’t make money…Now The same guys have 5 shows and all the divisions! In early 2000s , I know what they were racking in , Now it gotta be a full time job. In Az, There is about 7 shows by one retired fireman. Then Dennis James has a couple and WIngs of strength has 1 or two! I just have to get me lazy ass to the ATM. I tried not to follow Bodybuilding for a while because Id always Match myself up to Some of the guys and Start getting Ready!! I tried a while back when there was no Classic or bikini. The state guy wouldn’t let me judge. Anyway, Getting ready for a show of this caliber is very hard on The mind, The body, and the wallet. To actually do what you do and get ready every year is for the 1%. You could do the open, at LH there are a lot of good physiques usually. Your one of them, but 35 and over is still really stiff competition, 40 plus there are still a few decent but every kind of starts losing their legs. You look improved. It would be great for you to post some pics up to 2-3 weeks. Your an inspiration to many on this board. I used to kiss ass with judges and promoters, especially AAU. Send pics to Zwick, Teper and some others. Thats 27-28 years ago! Its like you had to do your time and you would eventually win America or get to go toAmb the universe and Bob Gruskin would Pay. Enough Rambling. You Keep those improvements and hit LH again its 1 or 2 and whoever could beat you would probably win the overall, So I Think That means a 500-dollar IFBB card for you! Knowing you from years on this board, Take it! You would probably reject It! Then you do one crazy year and hit a pro show At 212! Thats my thinking…KAd1 Is only 6 years my junior. If I competed again Id probably drop dead, But, Im usually at a hospital so there’s that…LOL
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