8 Baseball players fully Vaccinated all positive for Covid? How?

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So this one really through me a curve ball right lol

Really though how am I supposed to have any confidence now in the vaccine?
Multiple stories have come out now not looking good.

They have already announced the booster shots no problem. I new about this but 8 men all vaccinated by professionals also these are MLB players no fake doctors touching them so there shots should have been done properly. Not long ago does this mean that the vaccine just doesn’t last as long as they thought that it would? Did they catch a variant?
Give us some information please so that we can make decisions. Smh

I wish that they would have released which vaccine allowed this event to happen?
I was just about to get a shot today ive been on the fence the entire time. Now I have gotten off the fence and am once again waiting.

I just really want to know the truth about everything and we never will
Its crazy I was surprised that they even allowed this to be on the news.

I don’t understand but im very curious which vaccine
It should keep you alive if you get covid which is good but you will probably still get sick.
I believed this the whole time they tried to hide the science but its there to show that certain vaccines require covid to become active
There is a senior citizens home here in Iowa, on the western side of the state I beleive. All residents are fully vaccinated and I saw on the news yesterday where something like 20 of them all have COVID again… AGAIN… meaning they had it, got the “vax” and now have it a 2nd time!
@Bigmurph I can’t remember for sure, but Iowa was giving them out based off age groups and what each company claimed they were good for… IIRC, most seniors in Iowa were all get Pfizer vaccine, my folks (both in their late 60’s) got Pfizer and my stepmom (late 50’s) got Pfizer and my half sister (17, younger than 2 of my daughters) got Moderna
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I have two employees fully vaccinated with Covid-19… as my doctor clients explained it to me… can still catch / pass Covid… just will keep people from experiencing major symptoms and dying from it with 96-98% certainty… just like flu “vaccine”
Well no vaccine for me. I’ve been Aron d others with it many times haven’t caught it so I’m good
So basically everyone got the same vaccine because Pfizer and Moderna are the same type of vaccine were you need covid for it to activate.

J&J plus Astrazeneca are different this is what I wanted to get but now im just turned off about this again every time im about to say ok its time.

Another news report like this comes out last was the blood clots.

It kills me also that they skew the numbers do you know that less than half of American adults are vaccinated. They post that its 60% vaccinated but that includes adults who only got one shot and most never went back to get the second.

Only about 40% is fully vaccinated I will give them a curve lets say 47% is fully vaccinated that’s no where near enough SMH
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Oh WOW! Yeah, fuck getting that, “vaccine.” I have enough crap in my body to add something I don’t believe in. The flu vaccine killed my grandpa so I’ve never gotten that. I know one popular antibiotic has been linked to ligament and tendon tears. I forget which one. A guy on another forum had, I think, his quad tendon snap on him after using it. Both of parents parents say they’ve felt sick the past week and they wonder if it’s from the COVID vaccine they got when it came out a couple months ago. Plus, I don’t trust our government at all!!! ZERO!!! For all we know they have tracking devices in those vaccines.
johnjuanb1 said:
The flu vaccine killed my grandpa so I’ve never gotten that
Wow im really sorry to hear that this just added to me definitely not getting the shot.

I believe its arythromyacyn that’s spelled horribly wrong lol
johnjuanb1 said:
For all we know they have tracking devices in those vaccines.
This has been said sense the beginning there is a patent owned by the government for an injectable microchip. I don’t believe as another member said that they need to do that considering everyone on the planet carries a tracking device with them everywhere there phones and most phones give up so much information I don’t believe that they need to chip us but I wouldn’t put it past them either.
Next up: Dr. Fuckaci announces mandatory triple masking, and sex is now illegal except through a hole in the wall. Dr. Fauci, who studied glory holes in the bird flu days, has brought back the popular glory hole bath houses back to their former glory. News at 11.
Didn’t they say something about in the future having it able to detect Covid in the body before it builds up? But probably will also detect illegal substances in the body I bet. Can’t have men with testosterone over 100. Haha 😂
The last time I got a flu shot, 2005 I beleive, I ended up in the ER severely dehydrated and all influenza’d up. I was so sick for a week I shit my bed after I was discharged. Doctors chalked it up to a “freak” overreaction by my immune system…
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