SB Labs

A absolute huge blessing in the form of death

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Military Vet
So my wife’s grandfather died about about almost a year ago, and it’s taken til now to settle his estate, she wasnt expecting much money from it/him, her guess was a few grand…Closing costs on the new house isaround 11,000…she got a check today for 15,000,obviously more then enough for the closing.What are the odds of that timing…Dont to much believe in coincidences either…its a true blessing,despite how it went down,someone’s watching out for us.
Your wife your daughter are blessed and so are you because you’re here for a reason brother. You’ve given the big guy many opportunities to take you outta here (I know I’m right) and he’s kept you around for a reason. You’ve got business on this rock.
I’m hoping for similar news. These blow hard politicians talked about a stipend for first responders during Covid. I never paid it much mine until now. Supposedly they approved like a billion dollars. If it goes thru I could get $23,000. I’ll still believe it when I see it
Good things happen to good people brother I believe in karma very much im very happy for you guys rip to the donor and congrats everything seems to have worked out well
Oh @Thunder update on the whole God and speaking thing,I did start praying about a week and a half ago,simple one when I wake up,and go to bed, I thank him for another day, and to watch over my family, wife,kid n flea bags.
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