A handful of questions on HGH


Staff member
I’ve read almost everything I could find on this site about hgh and got “rookie” educated. I’ve searched the internet and got answers all over the place as usual.

I’m not looking to be on stage at all, but rather, more of quality of life as I age and alleviating old guy aches and pains. Putting on some lean muscle and losing some fat would be a bonus.

The questions are:

Is a normal cycle 2ius a day for 6 months for my goals?

Can a cycle be pin twice a week or something different than ed?

Are the “gains” or “repairs” permanent after stopping or does the cycle have to be forever like trt?

I realize everyone is different and just looking for kind of general answers if that’s possible.

I would do 2iu 5 days a week for atleast a year and you might want to keep going if you like how you feel if you stop you don’t have to worry like testosterone either.
Its not all great it has side effects especially big one is any chance of cancer never use hgh.
Also get quality its worth the cost to know that its the best.
Well thank you. This is where I’m going to ask a couple more questions and be a pain in the ass.

Can it be any 5 days a week or 5 in a row…m-f weekends off? (Majoring in the minors)

I guess the great sleep and possible sense of “well being” will go away when I stop?

No cancer in family thank god.
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I personally never thought about the days but definitely any 5 days in a row for me it just fit my m-f schedule so that’s why I went that route.

Yes it will the benefits will end once the supplementation ends.

Your never a pain in the ass brother @Poppy you can ask me anything anytime and I will help you I got your back your a great member and I appreciate it very much
I’ve just tried for the second time to run HGH. and I’ve quit for the second time… my prolactin was high again taking the natural anti prolactin support. Which in turn makes me moody as fuck. And kills my sex drive.

It’s important to note this, as it’s hardly discussed.

The sleep is great. But the cons for my heavily outweigh any advantage I get from it.

I personally don’t think it’s worth the cost, based off my own experience… there are others that love it and others that share the same sentiments I do.
@NeuroRN, what dose of hgh were you running? How long did it take for the prolactin to get elevated? The only side I notice when my prolactin is elevated is that it takes me forever to finish during sex. Did you notice any of that?
I started taking 4 units 5 days a week. 2 am, 2 pm. Taking natural anti prolactin supplement. Prolactin was 20 two weeks in. Took a caber pill. Dropped to 2iu 5 days a week. Prolactin was 17 within a 5 weeks I think.

It definitely makes it harder to finish. During sex, masturbating, blow jobs, anything.

My high prolactin makes me a moody bitch. I get annoyed by everything. Wife is 2 min late? Pissed. Like petty shit would make me angry. Just not worth it.

So I took another caber and quit hgh. And re-checked two week back down to 6 which is normal.
I’m thinking of not doing it.

No 1 I’m a lazy ass and have a million things to do already…pinning every day would be a chore.

No 2 I actually feel great and small additions here and there to maintain that level of greatness would be easy…hgh…see no 1.
NeuroRN said:
my prolactin was high again taking the natural anti prolactin support. Which in turn makes me moody as fuck. And kills my sex drive.

It’s important to note this, as it’s hardly discussed.

The sleep is great. But the cons for my heavily outweigh any advantage I get from it.
Fucking dietary supplements I hate them
I’m currently in my fifth month of hgh on second brand using 4 ius and I’m not sure how much it is helping me. I’ll probably continue use when I’m in calorie deficit just to see how the fat loss goes with out using clen and t3 this go round