Absolutely fucking starving

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Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
Tonight is just one of those days on prep the BLOW! Finished dinner, 8oz cod, 125 gram rice and broccoli and my stomach immediately started growling.
It’s time like this when you really start to question why the fuck do I do this? Then I realize how fortunate I am to have this choice and thi opportunity. How many people in our country ave this overwhelming feeling of hunger day in and day out? I can’t even imagine. So I tell my self the man the fuck up and embrace the suck. I am a lucky one, I get to do what so many can’t .
Rant over . Thanks for listening
Let us know when you feel tiny and have no muscle, your feet hurt because of the low bodyfat. we will keep you going! Of course only guys like the lean 280 look, but I used to get to 225 when they put in super hvwt. I was my best at 230 onstage , 50 pounds That I thought I only had to lose 30, LOL. boiled chicken, Cod…asparagus , which I hate with no butter or oil!!! I know they charge a ton for these fuckin shows now, but get dark…i would dilute the dream tan when they "outlawed’ it. I guess you have to get sprayed by some whore now, which is ok. At least your buddy or wife if she knows how… wouldn’t have to get his jollies from getting my ass, I mean you gotta get it all, laying on the floor on 2 sheets getting your 3 coats of ass groping!..LOL, I should of charged some dude who would enjoy it 200 bucks!!! I did my last winning show at 43…gonna be 51. I wanna give a go but I’m a bit scared that the old idiot will decide to suck the water out and my old training partner would sign off on it…So ,I live through you guys for now…I was so happy when @PHD got 3rd a couple years ago…no one would of complained if it was second. He will tell you , I would guess his weight right on and it was fun to follow… same here. Ilove the book by Negrita Jayde, Late 80s Canadian pro"s book with Bill Reynods, Both RIP…she died of cancer…SLICED.

The way she describes each stage of readiness is awesome. Your SLiced when at 4 feet away you look skinny in clothes but when they come off no matter what the lighting your sliced! You pose and look 10 pounds bigger.
Brother you are right you are one of the lucky ones. You have the genetics. You have the support. And the most important is you have the drive. So many folks nowadays are raised to be lazy they have no drive. Very few and I mean very few people have the drive to do what you are doing. Never forget that bro. You have earned every single muscle fiber and vein you have!!! Keep kicking ass bro.
I never want to eat cod or 99% FF turkey again. Lol
Thank you Rusty, you are 100% correct. People are spoiled lazy.
Got a great compliment from my buddy in AZ this week. I worked for him forever as a strength coach, literally laid the floors in the first gym we opened. He said “ you have the greatest work ethic of anyone I’ve k own”. Even though I’m an out tired fuck now I certainly liked knowing he appreciated all I did to make his business successful. He trains the biggest names in sports now and is a millionaire.
Kids now don’t know what that means, to make a commitment and not let someone down no matter what. When I was 25 my appendix ruptured, spent 5 days in hospital with terrible infection. My first day out I went to the gym to see if they needed help. Stupid I know but you guys on here have heard me say I don’t like to let people down
Had a bit of a set back today. Got to the gym to train chest and lats, started not feeling well. Turned into like full blown flu, diarrhea, nauseous, all my joints hurt and had a migraine. My wife says just stop and go home. Of course I didn’t . I beat my sick into the dirt and finished although it was admittedly a shit session but mentally I won. Barley could drive home, felt like I was going to pass out. Showered and have been in my bed since 4:30.
I’m hopping it was like a “test flu” Andy one ever have that before?
Feeling a bit better but 0 appetite and I’ve only got in 2 meals
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