SB Labs

Anavar Blood Pressure

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What’s up guys- I had been planning a cycle for quite a while and kept getting pushed back and pushed back. I just finally started and am 3 days in on 300mg test and 25mg anavar. I run 150-200/week for TRT usually. Anyways, I’ve had high BP which I know is from the anavar. I normally sit at ~130/80, been catching readings around 145-150/90. My diet is clean as fuck- you probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you what I ate daily. No nicotine, maybe 1 energy drink a week tops. I just need some guidance as this is med induced BP, is there any chance this slowly levels out as my body adjusts? I have propranolol on hand which I took the last two days def seems to help, but not something I’d wanna be taking every single day as it mentally dulls me quite a bit. So I guess my questions are 1) anyone experience similar spikes which level out? And 2) how bad would it be to ride 150/90 no for 6 weeks? I hear telmisartan quite a bit, may need to look to get my hands on that.
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Var did not agree with me at all. I quit it after a couple weeks.

I’ve been on telmisartan for a while now for renal function. My bp has always been within range but the telmisartan helps keep great.

I’m not a medical professional but I believe that… that high of bp is no bueno. Full disclosure… high bp scares the crap out of me.
150/90 is high but you won’t stroke out or ruin your organs with those numbers for 6 weeks.

Better question for me is it worth taking Var and having high BP? What’s the reason for the cycle and does it equal out to you? Have other orals caused similar reaction?

Taking a drug to counter another drug when you can remove drug one and not have any issues would be the most sensible path I think.

The concern would be if your numbers keep going up.

When that bottom number hits triple digits it’s a scary thing.
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Probably won’t kill you. But it’s probably not great. Telmisartan doesn’t control pressure very tightly.

If 25mg of bar is bumping you that much? What’s the point? If you’re dying to run an oral there’s others to try. But at such a low dose with BP creeping I’d just drop it.
Here was my experience with this Telmisartan. BP was taken twice a day in the am and pm for 8+ weeks for objectively quantified results. Individual results will vary.

Telmisartan Titrations :

Week 1-2
20mg (BP no change) 136/70 avg

Week 3-4
40mg (BP -5/0) 131/70 avg

Week 5-6
60mg (BP no change) 130/70 avg

Week 7-8
80mg (BP - 8/3) 122/67 avg

I have since added a low dose of Nebivolol (5mg) to help with BP and LV remodeling via doctor’s script which keeps me around 125/77 on a Max’d out (for me) protocol of:

367mg Pharma Test Cyp
280mg GC Primo
105mg GC NPP
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Thank you for all the input. To answer your questions my goal is to shred up, I’ve run extremely low-moderate cycles for the past 3-4 years with TRT cruises. I’ve taken a marathon approach but I’m looking like I’m within striking distance of a freaky look and think the anavar will help me get that. Not set on the anavar, I just have had it laying around for a while. I plan to monitor it over the weekend , drop carbs and increase water intake and reasess Monday. Im sure I’d be fine for 6 weeks w 150/90 but not a risk im whiling to take right now. So if it doesn’t start to trend down I’ll have to drop it.
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