Advice on bad cardiac blood work

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Need some advice, ive been seeing a cardiologist and had two sets of bloodwork done. One on a cycle of test 300mg/wk and 40mg Anavar/day. Cholesterol and bp were pretty high. Came off cycle for a coulle of weeks and things are significantly better. I cant imagine dropping gear but also dont want to be the most jacked guy in the morgue. Any suggestions?

Don’t drop your test.

I’m going to channel @Neuro

You might want to start telmisartan anyways AND especially while taking orals. Glutathione also.

300mg test a week is not egregious. Personally I would get back on that.

Stay there for several months… monitor bp often, like different times of day, before/after meals and training. Get labs again.

Readdress your health markers. I personally didn’t tolerate var and dropped it like a rock.

At my advanced age… I have experimented with several things and bounce 100% of my stuff off of a trusted adviser and folks here. He keeps me very healthy.

You kinda sound like me. Too much tbol does that to my labs.

I just stay on cyp 250-300 a week and will introduce tbol occasionally pwo.
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How old are you?

In general most folks are getting away from “cycling” and just figuring out how much your body will tolerate with minimal to no sides…including acceptable labs.
It would be helpful for people to see your numbers if you would share them.
  • Anavar can negatively affect LDL/HDL by up to 50%.
  • Talk to your Doctor about Telmisartan for BP (and a litany of other good things search top right corner).
  • Omegas, oatmeal, Red Yeast Rice for Cholesterol.
  • Glycine and TMG which will help your body make its own Glutathione
  • If you drink, stop
Buy a BP monitor and start tracking the same time everyday.
Sorry about the late response. My pops passed away and life got put on hold for a bit.

I want to thank everyone for the responses first off.

I re-read my original post and realized i left out the 40mg dbol i had in the cycle as well. I think that might have been the issue as i dropped it down to 20mg and feel much better, not great but better.

I’m 39yrs old 6’3" 200lbs.

My cholesterol hdl ratio was 10.6. My dr said the cholesterol and hdl were high and he has me on lipitor now. Which I’m not crazy about. Its a bad situation because my wife works in the cardiology dept with this dr so i can’t tell him I’m on gear because of my wife’s reputation.
Stay off orals. Period. Minus proviron or anavar. But anavar isn’t necessary.

Omega 3’s, coq10, oats, cardio.

If you’re on gear…. Telmisartan. Helps with lipid skewing as well as everything else.
I appreciate the advice. As you can probably tell, this is all somewhat new and trying to navigate what to take and in what dose without mentoring is kind of tough. This forum has been a big help. I dropped the dbol as of last night! After feeling it out il raise the test and ride that out.

Thanks again for the advice and for the condolences!
My #1 son @Neuro is right about orals and I usually listen/heed everything he says…. But I do partake in incremental doses of tbol occasionally.

Maybe 50mg on a big leg day but not often… usually 25 is my big dose and 10’s are my usual. Even at that it’s only on training days as a pwo and maybe a month at a time with every bit of several months off in between.
Fireguy said:
As you can probably tell, this is all somewhat new and trying to navigate what to take and in what dose without mentoring is kind of tough.
We’re here for ya big guy. No question goes unanswered. Ask away. Someone will be able to answer.
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