Advice on bloodwork results

Don’t want to say names my friend, but He has a different biological father. He has a disorder where he over produces hemoglobin. Has to give blood often to reduce the strain on his body. Not sure if it could be the same issue here as we live very different lives. Genetics can be a bi$& though.
Certainly could be if you gained it fast enough I guess. I lost 60 in six months in 2020 and my iron was double the reference range. It took 3-6 months to balance out. Doctor though i had liver issues because high iron can be a sign of liver problems apparently.
I’ll definitely look into this more, on cycle I peaked at 170 balanced out at 167-168. Now im 153 ish like i said so that may be a good possibility. BF was around 11% at 170 im at around 7 -8 now according to a scale.( not the most accurate)
Personally it’s always best to consult a doctor who specializes in these sort of blood results. a Regular gp probably won’t provide much insight on SHBG. I had high SHBG when dieting and the doctor i consulted said it was most likely diet related from calorie restriction and can be significantly elevated on low carb diets.
Thanks everyone, Ill keep you all informed once i see my doc and have some follow up labs done. Gonna dial in my diet and start some NAC and other supplements to bring cholesterol down in the meantime.
we all know its inversely related in men. Im thinking watch out! your body can be sensing a low test level evn though total is high. Viral Hepatitis or enlarged live would cause SHBG increases. High LH would do it…maybe when you were doing your pct LH went high…I’m reaching, but losing weight (more so muscle) would raise SHBG and getting gyno during PCT, hmmmm. I don’t provide care in the ICU anymore(too boring) when I was in the ICU we didn’t have machines, if we wanted dobutamine we had to inject the amount needed per minute by iv. No Foleys, We had to learn the patient and get out the glass urinal. But, I digress…High insulin increase SHBG, prolactin is fine, my cheat sheat is windiing down, We would ask are you taking any glucocorticoids or other meds? my cheat sheet ended. I think DHEA doesn’t really affect men and SHBG. Tamoxifen raises SHBG, VIT D3. Just take a 8 week hypothetical gram of test and 600nppand a little aromasin…oh 75mg of proviron and check back in 8weeks. we want to treat why shbg is a bit high when everything else is is fine…thats a hard one, so second we just jack a bunch of supplements and things have a way of evening out. Now is the time…25 yo !!! woo hooo . I would worry more about being 153 unles your 4’10"…im fucking with you. I bet you did something during your PCT. DUE to the non prolactin gyno and this other minor stuff.
Also curious how would one be checked for enlarged liver? Is that even remotely likely at 25? Would that be done via a scan? Don’t believe i have hepatitis but who knows ha.
I did have a Labrum tear in my hip this March and had some shots(most likely prednisone) and diclofenac for nearly 30days. Could be a medication induced flare up for sure. You ain’t gotta go and call me small like that man sheesh. I’ve never been one who wants to be 300lbs, but seriously I absolutely love being lean and strong. Coming from a long distance running background, my race weight was usually 110-120lbs bodyweight(2016-2017). Id say my goal weight is 180-190 at around 6-7% BF. I was around 3-4% BF back in 2019 and my last cycle i managed to add on nearly to 12% bf at 170lbs or so peak. Last cycle was my first big bulk cycle and I only had to run 300mg test e and 300mg deca. Not a crazy cycle by any means. My pct is pictures from my last post on jan 17th.

Proviron was only added due to libido issues from deca. It was 25mg I believe. I always try and use the least amount of anything I use.