Advice on bloodwork results

I know he was guys, did not mean to make that sound as if he did thats why i added the “sheesh”. If you can’t cut up in a forum like this one you probably shouldnt be here. I’ve seen how some of y’all act with one another and I love it 😂
No, no, just fuckin with you. Any of you at any time…me too…ive thrown up my diaper pics at almost 290…i know nothing!!! I’m having the hardest time doing some functional training or assisted pullups. I have do do at least 12 sets per body part, working sets and don’t mention the cycle I wrote out. This is lowering my thumbprint at 50. I wanna be a v-shaped mofo, able to do a little hiking all the stuff I hate but should do, I got a mountain bike. It was a goal of mine to do 12 med wide pullups like at 215…hahaha…it started out innocent…400 DHB, 500 test cyp for 12w. Every 3 weeks add faster esters, just one. NPP @ 500, but if I do 2 it will be better like NPP 300, proviron 75/ day. Then 3 weeks at tren400/ mast 400…dbol at 50 with TNE 50 5 days a week would be good too. So now I’m gonna end up at like 260lbs again…not training won’t work, so I really know nothing. This is where anyone can use a coach. If you want to just get “healthier” I know or remember how it should feel big and I know the hell of being " in shape" a spring in your step…NO.
Update: doc is reviewing bloodwork and is gonna give me call afterwards. Had an appointment that was moved twice due to weather but I finally got seen. Definitely gyno she said ( already knew that much) no other comments other than she said she’s going to follow up.