SB Labs

AI dosage with 300 mg Test Cyp per week?


Well-known member
Pinning 150mg every 3-4 days. Today is second pin.
I have Aromasin on hand, 10 mg tablets. I have yet to take any, but was thinking I’d start with 5 mgs on pin days. Please let me know any thoughts on this.
Also, how quickly can you begin to experience Estrogen related side effects?
( I should add I had been taking 15 mg Ostarine for about a month and my theory is I could have suppressed natural Test enough that my T and E levels are somewhat out of balance and if any aromatization occurred with that first shot of T It could have contributed to that while T levels still coming up. Am I way off base with these thoughts?)
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Blood work is honestly the only way to figure out this question. You might not even need an AI at that amount others might need to dose 2x a week at 6.25.
You can get bloodwork from your doctor a privatemedlabs type of website or even on Amazon they sell home bloodwork kits that you can mail into the lab.

You have to actually know your estrogen levels and what it takes to control them or if you even need to control them
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@Bigmurph @swoldier
I thought I may be beginning to experience mild E related side effects, but I could be over analyzing. Not sure if it would even be possible to experience sides this soon after beginning a cycle.

I have a massive amount of stress on me currently coupled with the fact I’m a commercial fisherman and I work long hours with oil gear on that has straps that go across your nipples, so if you ever wear thin clothing it can cause (sometimes severe) nipple sensitivity, so I started getting a little paranoid.

Haha sounds funny when I type it out.

Thanks for the input guys. I’ll have to figure out a way to get some bloodwork done at some point. I don’t have a set schedule so the Amazon route would probably be most realistic
If you’re going to go with the kits on Amazon don’t order the saliva kit. Make sure that its the blood kit. If you’re looking to just test your estrogen they have just e2 and progesterone tests or you can get ones that test for alot more.
Sounds easy. Thank you.

Do you think I can crash Estrogen if I take a small dose of Aromasin unnecessarily? I’ve heard some say yes and some say it will just stop excess aromatization?
Yea brotha everyone is different, some people can take 1g of test a week and need no AI, some just look at Test and have to pop an AI, it’s all very individualistic. Blood work will tell all especially if your just starting out. After a few years you learn your body and at what rate your body aromatizes. Another thing is knowing at what levels of estro is good for you , personally I like my estro a lil on the higher end, feel much better with a lil higher estro
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Test country/ZRT Laboratory
6 Hormone Imbalance Home Test Kit Female Blood Spot Profile I (E2, Pg, T, SHBG, DS, C) - Includes Pre-Paid Sample Return Label

Is the one @Bigmurph recommended to me.

Any of you guys have any thoughts on me taking the 5 mg Aromasin? The nipple sensitivity is persisting and I don’t want it to get out of control before I get test results. Not sure how quickly that can happen?