All I wanna run for the rest of my life

If money wasn’t an object and I always knew it was legit I’m pretty sure all I’d ever run was test primo. It sounds like the perfect compound for what my goals will be from here on out. My next cycle will be my first primo run and I can’t wait. Guess I’ll know soon enough.
A less serious answer than being Batman. A moderate dose of Testosterone combined with a moderate dose of Primobolan Depot is one of the best cycle experiences that I have ever had. Each and every time I have used Primo I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop but primo is a one legged wonder.When you are moderately lean and are carrying excellent muscle mass combined with a healthy diet and rigorous training it works very well. As far as safety and longevity there is probably no other steroid out there that can provide a rating as good as primo.

If you are lucky enough to source legit primo count yourself lucky and make the most of it. Despite what others may think high doses do not necessarily translate into better results. It will be dependent on your sensitivity. I am lucky enough to consider myself a high responser so I get a bit more bang for my buck than those who do not respond as well.

You young bucks can have all those designer steroids you want but if I had it all over to do again I would stick to Test, Deca, and Primo with another DHT derivative only as needed.

I am a little envious of you younger guys but more than that I want to support your journey and be part of your successes. Be safe… you will have to pay the piper someday.
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Its not my favorite but a non aromatase compound that works as well as it does needs to be on my list.
I think that you will enjoy it especially a test,npp,tbol run
@Bigmurph my hat is off to you for thinking about the conversion/interaction of the steroids you want to make part of your tool box. I hate to use this world but I have to in this situation… That is why i ‘PREACH’ the importance of understanding derivatives and how they interact with one another.

As we gain experience the natural progression is to learn about these things.
It has to be important
In building a cycle you have to take this into consideration or your really asking for extra side effects and in the end less gains. I don’t think anyone wants to spend there cycle fighting estro and progesterone. Adds money and headaches. Lol
Its just as important as the way you put together your macros or training.
The other end is about andro to anabolic depending on goals you might stack one heavier than the other but a good balance between the two will give you a solid cycle.