Am i living the dream or not

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Worked with my dad today, we get shit done when we together, of course I do the heavy shit,but what i help my dad with is absolute fuckin cake, do it in my sleep, and i make more money with my dad, of course… but now were enjoying a beer and a joint on my deck, dogs are with us, its relaxing,so what do I have to bitch about.
So one of my Incisions is real close to my little man, no filling up the wife yet,thanks for throwing it in my face buddy
Well we both can’t have aex due to cuts in the area I guess haha. Hopefully I’m fully healed by next week cause I’m feeling backed up
Yup, I’m definitely ready to offload,even if it is in my hand, I’m gonna give it a few more days, and give it a go…uhhh keep you updated.
Hahah if my shit isn’t healed by Friday I’m going to doctor and say fix my shit. Wouldn’t hurt to do stds check while there as well I know it’s tear from
Sex but best to safe. Now I wonder should I post
Results in blood work ahahah
I would say let’s have a race to see who has some sex first, but you’ll win,half the time I could care less, it reminds me of cardio.
If my dad and I tried to work together, we would end up in a fist fight… I’ve forgiven a lot of bad blood between us from when I was younger, didn’t talk to him for almost 10 years. We still butt heads alot, but we see each other in small doses
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