Anadrol dose and pct


Well-known member
Running test/deca/anadrol
600/300/50. I am on week 2, should I up to 100 mg anadrol? I’m reading and getting mixed answers, some saying 100 is normal, others acting like 100 mg of anadrol is the worst thing since Hillary Clinton. Also curious on the PCT to use. Got 10 more weeks to get it but I think I should jump on it now just lacking the knowledge on the best.
Ran that exact cycle and did wonders. Didn’t really see any mirror changes till week 4 but added over all about 15lbs on 6 meals a day. Was using John meadows Arnold 2016 bodybuilding training plan. As far as pct, I just drop down to high trt at 300mg test a week.
It’s individualistic, depending on your experience, tolerance and so on… I’ve read guys running up to 300mg which is CRAZY!! But me personally 50mg is plenty. Gotta remember with AAS sometimes less is more for certain compounds. Don’t forget diet to support your intake, I like my carbs pretty high on adrol when bulking. But on the flip side adrol makes a great compound to run at the end of your prep when your in a deficit but need to stay looking full
yeah 300mg sounds a little ridiculous that’s gotta be guys damn near 300 pounds with 8-10% bf. I just read the article the one guy just put up about the new 19nor steroid? Or not new but not all in our faces like your classics. Anyone tried it?
50 mg works for me with dbol or adrol bout week 3-4 somewhere in there I start getting a yucky feeling which tell me it’s time to cut out the oral I figure it’s my liver and kidneys saying that’s enough Any one else get that rode hard put up wet feeling when on orals for longer periods of time? I learned to listen to my body over the years o crazy I drop the orals all is back to normal need to get some bloodwork done to see what exactly it is but I figure toxicity will be high anyway at that point what you guys think it’s been a long while since I have run any orals other than proviron or clomid and nolvadex and ai
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I get a tired, rundown feeling after a few weeks of superD and besides proviron that’s the only oral I run.
I thought mine was goi g to be Friday then they extended the everything. I’m just going to conutinue to try and lean out so when gym opens I can start to pack back on the muscle