
No. I thought naps had it. I definitely would like to try it when at about 7 % bf. Its seems from what I’ve read its compared to anadrol with primo/masteron sides! I bet @Bigmurph knows what’s closay The only sten I’ve used was Mexican from Atlantis! :muscle:i can say loved that… Knew it was real, 100 amps 75$ throw in a bunch of Atlantis halo and a couple of carne asadaa burritos and I was fine. The good Ol days, walking across border with a tank top, get stopped while whatever gal you were dating goes through with a pharmacy hidden somewhere:see_no_evil:🙉🙊
I thought so as well, it’s funny you mention walking across the border because I was talking an old school bodybuilder in the gym today and he said the same thing 😂😂. Sounds like good times bro!
I’m really hoping I’ll be able to get my hands on some soon!
it should definitely harden you up ans contribute to some strength too. I really could write a book but only 25 people would read it. I started lifting serious young, but I would go to a doctors office with a guy from the gym. Heres this guy , 29-30yo hanging with this 16 yo kid, granted I was 220, he was 230, lean and there’s 25 of the same looking dudes in the waiting room. We all wore T. micheal padavich clothing(was a good gym buddy) and crazy wear pants(actually T was about **88). We all walk out of this doctors office with actual brown paper bags of sauce! Legally! The funny thing about mexico is I wanted to move there and there was no gym, so either way I would have to go across and sometimes you might get a “fine” for anything and end up who knows where. Lots of big guys went there for other pharmaceuticals, of course, and would get everyone in trouble. So the great idea would be to “front load” or go every 2 weeks and “spot shoot” every body part until you got your 1500mg of test or depot. then get a bit over for everyday like an oral or durabolin. i would have the test flu for 3 days after. I liken it to the same age guys gettin beer or whatever and going out to the woods. We looked at it as a necessary evil, but looking back of course I thought I knew it all, we were lucky and actually the border guards didnt harrass us like i imagine would happen today or the later 90s.
Hahaha man, I would love to sit down with you and grab a few brews while you reminisce. Doesn’t T Michael still clothing still exist today? But holy shit dude, I couldn’t imagine front loading constantly!
I know a member that actually got some not long ago. There are online srcs that only specialize in all the pre prohormone drugs and thats were you normally find this still around right next to the trestolone ace.
Its a game of chance though. Its like trying to get legit peptides. Its out there though. If you look back at C4BDS’s posts you might see the site posted if there still up and running.
There is so much stuff I haven’t heard of like that, and on that note what are anyone’s suggestion for some something that would fall under the bulking catergory that doesn’t kill appetite, I can list the things I’ve done in cycle if needed? Most that I’ve tried kill my appetite, I truly struggle with eating and gaining any type of water weight, lean muscle I do good with but I wouldn’t mind a little water weight, what info do you need from me in order to help me, thanks
36 yrs old 185 lbs 6ft tall I hav ran cycles of deca-tren-test. Tren-test.Superdrol-test.npp-test.dbol-test.anadrol-test. And my very first cycle was just test and that is what I’m doin now (sust) the first few were test-e…sust works better for me over all. Only time I gained noticeable water weight was with dbol n test and it still took me all of the 8 weeks with the dbol to gain 10 lbs…sometimes I think just high test cycles like 750mg per week work best for me it’s just slow lean gains ya know what do you think about EQ to increase my appetite…?
8 weeks to gain 10 lbs on dbol? Your dbol may have been bunk to be honest. What was your dosages? EQ is definitely the way to go for appetite increase, when I ran it I ate everything in site. What’s your nutrition currently like?
Since you’re already running sust, I would add EQ to to that and maybe give dbol a shot again.
Those 8 weeks were 50mgs daily for the dbol n 500 mg sust but my eating was absolutely horrible and all the other shit from my guy is good never had any problems but your not the first person to say it may hav been weak shit either
I’m tryin to figure out how to send a pic from my phone of my current eating plan I’m on
Too many factors to say honestly, but it could have been simply just the fact that you weren’t eating enough. Trust me no matter what compounds you put in your body, if you aren’t eating enough then you won’t grow.
It’s easy to go hard at the gym it’s fucking hard to eat my whole family is small and I hav never been a big eater
I am gonna try the one on here iron-junkie some of their products… my normal guy I pay 120 for a 10ml bottle of sust…150 for a month if dbol… I feel like a fucking idiot for not joining a place like this to get a new source