
I honestly don’t know anything about this product. Be interested to know myself
I suggest going into steroid cycles or members logs and write up everything from your stats all the way through in one place with as much information as you can provide.
Multiple members will help including me.
All those cycles and those are heavy cycles. They’re either bunk products or really poor quality because even being a hard gainer we can help get you on track with legitimate products.
I enjoy helping people reach there goals tag my name @Bigmurph so I won’t miss it.
And what exactly do u mean by stats, my physical build, squat leg press bench etc…?
You’re height ,weight, bf%,age,diet,training, compounds you have used and what results you received. Lessons learned from past cycles. Honestly everything helps the more information that you can give me the more I can give you back. Also any bloodwork on cycle any preexisting conditions. Are you a recovering addict I am so don’t be worried about discussing anything here no one will judge you and if they do they will be judged by me. Its not like other forums here were all here to help no matter what.
I look forward to reading your post and helping as much as I can.
Ok I’m at work but will get all the info in next few days, thanks for the willingness to help, and you got it I am a alcoholic, and would not have brought that up, had you not mentioned it
Year n half clean, had liver checked out when I stopped and there wasn’t to much damgage which I know the orals can do
Yeah thats why I brought it up is because it is part of the process. If you were 6 months sober from shooting dope then I would tell you to not run anything yet it would just be to soon but we could get you going still with diet and training which is the base. We have to start with that and then take steps forward especially because you are a hard gainer but you really might not be it might be that you were drinking and the beer or liquor were filling you with empty cals and carbs stopping you from being able to get the actual macros that you need to build up and get your muscle growing. Thats important information thats why I asked about it. Its also to show you that any information that you can share can really help me to get you on a plan geared towards you because everyone is different and no cookie cutter methods work. I don’t believe in cookie cutter methods I believe in thinking outside of the box but the box that is your box that will get you were you want your goals to take you. Take your time writing it up and include anything and everything.
You don’t have to worry about people bashing here no one will jump on you telling you that you have no buisness running a cycle you might get an answer that now isn’t the time to start but it is because were going to give you the best plan to move forward with. The truth sucks and sometimes not the best thing we want to hear but we will give you the best plan we can provide and I reccomend asking and taking advice from multiple people and using the best plan that will work for you.
I will be looking forward to helping.
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That is part of the reason why I finally joined a forum what my guy has been saying the past year or so hasn’t been working in my eyes so I been asking around n researching more also cause multiple people have mentioned that his goods might be underdosed and I don’t know if you seen all my posts but a 120 for 10ml of sust and 150 for a month of dbol is fucking killing my wallet…anyways I will leav ya alone for now, thanks again for the input.
No reason to leave me alone I’m always here to help brother yeah your boy is in a business that is not legal so charging what he charges is his prerogative but of course the quality seems like it’s just not there and also the price in my opinion is insane but when you buy from a person at the gym or just somebody around the way that’s usually the way it goes. When you get from an actual source you’re still rolling the dice that’s why I always recommend to do heavy research read everything you can about the source you’re going to order from. Make sure that that source is getting good blood work has great reviews from members that actually know what they’re talking about not people that are just saying they’re good because they want discounts are getting free items. I don’t allow this to happen here are verified sources go through a process they have to earn that verification all other boards take money for advertising and ask questions later we ask questions first and make sure that the sources here can advertise because they are respected in the community and have quality products. No system is perfect but our verification system has yet to see one person get robbed or bunk products. I can recommend only one other forum where I believe that their ranking system is legitimate. I’m not going to advertise for them but there are so many forums out there and I see only one other board that has a legitimate system. So yes it’s very important to do research and then you even in this business there are sources that do basically pick and choose scams. You could have a member that they know we’ll write a great review about them so they take care of that member. But then the next member that comes along they scam and they know that they can because then most people on the board won’t even believe what they say in the end. This is called selective scamming. I know all the tricks in the book that sources and members pull I’ve been around for a while and I don’t allow any of that to happen here. I believe that you can feel very comfortable here ordering from any of our sponsors I actually believe that we have some of the best in the business. If they weren’t the top notch sources they would not even be here. You can contact me anytime but of course I prefer questions to be open forum.
Thanks brother
I should say that my guy has helped me a lot with the lifting and dieting part,so that I am thankful for that part,but the gear part he leaves something to be desired… and yes knowledge is power so I research everything and will ask questions to multiple people, but you get different answers and suggestions so it’s hard to pick n chose what I want to do, but it’s trial and error til I find what works best for me… and I don’t even know if this conversation we’re having is on the forum or just us? I’m not a big internet guy and had to have islandswole tell me how to upload a pic last night so I’m usually lost in the sauce when it comes to figuring shit out on the forum and stuff
This is a completely public conversation if you have any questions about how to work and navigate the site contact @Fitraver he is a really great guy and very knowledgeable.
We both are here to help with anything
I research everything and will ask questions to multiple people, but you get different answers and suggestions so it’s hard to pick n chose what I want to do, but it’s trial and error til I find what works best for me…

That right there trial and error until you find what works best for YOU.
Sorry not yelling just trying to emphasize that is exactly it.
The cookie cutter methods work but only in a cookie cutter way. If you can take the advice and pick it apart and find what works best for you thats the golden ticket to success.
I ran a test/decca var cycle I took the advice I was given and did things completely different than I would have. It was the worst cycle ive ever ran and its because I didn’t do what I knew worked for me I did what others said would work for me. I blew up like a balloon with water retention. I had to cut it short because of gyno starting to kick in and none of that would have happened if I ran the diet that works for me and even the npp that I love instead of the decca plus I use cyp and enanthate I was told to use sust and I hated it.
Its the only cycle ive ever ran that I considered a failure even though I gained about 7-9lbs of muscle after a horrible cut that I also screwed up.
I could have ran an 8wk npp cycle and did better than 14wk cycle I ran and had to cut back around 30lbs which with npp and my normal diet would have been to cut back maybe 5-10lbs leaving me with around 7lbs of muscle mass.
You live and you learn
I have a huge cycle coming up
Testoviron 250mgs a wk 20wks
Primobolan 500-1000mgs 20wk
MHN 10mg a day first 4 wks
Var or mhn last 6wks 50mg or 10-20mg
Hgh 2-3iu a day for 6 months
Proviron 50mg split ed
This is the plan I might go longer if I get more primo or I might use 1 test cyp or dhb at the end after the primo.
Ha water retention I would love a little bit of that… here is my diet at the moment…