SB Labs

Anavar and Flexibility

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hey guys

I wanted to talk today about how important flexibility and stretching is to me. I approaching 40, and obviously my body is not what it used to be. Being active EVERYDAY is critical to me at my age. even if its only a 20min run that day because im too busy, to me its really important and helps me be consistent.

anavar is an amazing oral. i have many clietns who just run anavar and rave about their results. however when I run the cycle i notice that my flexibility really suffers because my muscles get such a pump.

doing yoga is extremely difficult on high doses of var.

can anyone recommend ideas on how to improve my flexibility other than doing your 10min stretches after your weight lift?
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thanks guys. im on amazon as we speak lol
im going to actually subscribe to them so they send them every 2 months. i always forget to keep ordering
thanks guys
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