Anavar-Dosage and Timing?

@Cathead - When I used in the past Var dosage was 25 mg first thing in the morning, then 50 mg pre work out. 50-75 mgs a day worked great. Never really tired to break up between meals but I just figure anavar has a longer half life that two dosage should be sufficient. You just have to find your sweet spot on dosage but I would keep dosage under 100 mgs a day. Just my opinion.
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I actually split mine but I stay at 60mg 30mg morn 30mg pwo. Gives me alot of blood in my muscles during my workout. It gets to the point with real var where you can’t even keep going because of the pumps then you will just be sitting there and get a cramp that’s the worst in your leg and it will take you down right there lol
I prefer tbol nowadays but var has been great in the past.
I use it on occasion as a pwo mix, but like winny, if I actually run it, I get heartburn
I will forever use Anavar… and Tren Hex.

I can put on 8-13lbs on anavar, just depends on my

The last forum I was on I got into a little spat as many stated if I put on weight like that then the var was fake and it was really something else.

I disputed this with many and even with scientific facts yet no-one believed me.

The var actually hardens my physique and I get a little hot and sweaty during my sleeps.

Extremely mild which is why it’s one of my go to compounds.
I’ve also done anavar only cycles and successfully put on 8-10lbs and kept it all.

This is where people seem to have a problem as they don’t believe anavar itself can give you substantial gains.

But they misunderstand as it actually can.
They could have easily never taken real anavar. That’s why they don’t understand the power between nitrogen retention and anavar plus collagen synthesis.
I used to take 40mg a day split 20mg 2x a day.
Now you have to take a higher dose just the quality of raws no ones fault but with the right diet its possible especially with the right diet and training
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It gets to the point with real var where you can’t even keep going because of the pumps then you will just be sitting there and get a cramp that’s the worst in your leg and it will take you down right there lol


With real Var, you’re gonna feel those pumps big time!!!

Even things as simple as washing your hair in the shower. Damn pumps are so strong and hard it gets a little uncomfortable to where you just have to stop for a second.

That really resonated with me @Bigmurph that was some authentic real shit!!.
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