SB Labs

Another whats for breakfast thread

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Staff member
Military Vet
So motherfuckers, I’m not workin today that means I can make a good breakfast for the wife kid n I, I’m goin fancy today and making crepes, I like mine pretty plain, I just throw homemade jam in them and roll em up, fuck using a fork, I just use my fingers, less dishes to do. I triple the recipe cause me and the kid inhale them, you get about 8-10 per batch.We will have grapes and bananas as a side.Also the dogs get a couple plain ones.
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First watch restaurant for me and the wife. I just got home from work. So kinda hungry.
Gotta wake her up though :roll_eyes:.
Ps. Egg white and avocado Omelette for me and the wife gets some breakfast burrito thing that’s spicy.
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I’m fasting for Jesus 3 days but I’m sleeping good much needed rest I almost rolled a 8klb skid steer off a 30 foot cliff side ways last night had to abort and regroup…breakfast is my favorite buddies 😋
I feel amazing kinda doing a similar de load. Slept 10 hrs last night usually only 5 and its a good idea medically to rest the cns because you come back strong as hell
Listen pollock their nalesniki not crepes. Lmao. My mom use to make those. She always filled them with applesauce and cinnamon. We would inhale the hell out of those @John
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You’ve inspired me this morning @John

I only have whole wheat flour currently so color is a little off but yum yum!!!
I’ve been busy but not too busy to eat. Plus everyone knows how hangry I get. So they keep food to give me and keep me chill. They was around 10,000 still without power this morning. There’s big oak trees down everywhere.
I imagine Alabama would be a long haul for firewood. There’s firewood laying everywhere though. Two foot long Turkey subs, bag of cool ranch doritos, two oatmeal Cookies, water, and coke. Can’t wait to get back home and get to the gym. PCT is going much better this time than the first.
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