SB Labs

Anyone ever use sarms?

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I haven’t personally. My big issue is the lack of research and not noting what you’re getting into.

They say for research purposes only and I ain’t no lab rat.

Stick with the tried and true, studied, reliable.
I have a good amount of experience with most sarms. I have used rad140, ostarine, s23, oral and injectable lgd4033, oral and injectable yk11, inj. Sr9009, mk677. Some are relatively safe others are not aka yk11. Mk677, rad140, oral lgd, and inj. Sr9009 are my favorites. I use to be with not smart people EDIT Banned so i used a lot of there stuff. I believe test with a sarm is pretty safe.
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used gwh n tren a for the cardiovascular effects & cutting. I liked to add a little rad 140 on top of my trt for a tighter look
I’ve talked to younger kids at the gym who use them, they all seem to rave about them, but I’m with @PNWmuscle on this one, lack of solid research has me concerned. They remind me of the old OTC pro hormones and pro steroids, like 1AD and M1T, I knew lots of guys who loved those, including myself 20 years ago, they were easy to get, however they were highly methylated and had to make multiple passes through the liver to become what they were actually supposed to be, pushing liver toxicity through the roof
Just finished lgd with my test and deca. They can be as good as some orals in good doses but I think the liver toxicity seems to be just the same. As my pee colors would change drastically on rad or lgd
I have tried SARMS when they came out but since my first experience is AAS, they (for me) did absolutely nothing for me. Test boost. Any joint repair/lubrication has been proven solid. I think a lot of it reminds me of stuff like androstenedione from back in the day. Really doesn’t do anything but give you all the bad sides. Once again. This is my opinion.
They do fuck up your liver numbers. Got bloods after an lgd last year. Liver numbers were pretty high. Test tanked. Might not be too bad with test though.
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