SB Labs

April 10 installment of diets and training

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning all.Breakfast was two cans a tuna,casein shake,1 plain bagel, banana, Cranberry juice.Gonna work a half day then go to VA gym,doing arms.lunch will be whatever slopshit the chow hall makes.Dinner I am gonna order out Italian,then second dinner will be cereal.Today I am grateful for my family.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
I took out alcohol. Slow changes make it easier to adapt and stay the course. Then again by the time ts perfect it will be time to slowly add stuff in to mass again haha. I’m stopping my meds for styes as it put 10 pounds on me in three weeks and I’ve been getting numbness I. Hands so much water retention.
Had these yesterday… Chuck Roast burned ends




If I would drink on Friday and Saturday that’s proby around 4000 calories right there alone between the 12-20 beers as I like beer and what ever food may happen that’s not healthy haha. I would do liquor but I’m such a fast and volume
Drinker that the bottle is gone way to quickly I can do a liter in about 2 hours if I’m not paying attention. I mix with soda water so at least that keeps the cals to minimal for intoxication. I’ve thought about using lemon lime liquid ivs for flavor and to stay better hydrated haha
Get some MRIs done It took me ages to figure out my mouth was numb because of a root nerve problem after a neck fracture. Kept thinking I was on the verge of a stroke lol
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