August 1 whatever thread


Happy Saturday!!! It’s 6:09 AM here in cheesehead valley Wisconsin. Had too much fun last night. Wife wanted to take me to strip club but we were too drunk to think about driving it is at least 30 minutes to the closest one of those. So we settled for chicken wings. A close second. HahHHa. Woke up at 5 am with ready rod as always had a good morning go round but still have whiskey dick so no big finish for me. Was still fun though!!! Am suppose to meet a buddy at the YMCA to do legs today at 10. I think once I start sweating the place is gonna smell like a whiskey sour hahahahaha. I don’t understand why I can’t sleep through hangovers anymore like in my twenties. Wake
No matter what nowadays.
Gday brothers!!!
So I had a dream someone shot me point blank in the chest, I lived thru it, so don’t worry guys…Sounded like a good time with the wife. Fuck waking up that early, only huntin or fishing related will I get up that early.I am goin to hang trail cam and drop corn down under my tree stands, with the dogs.I’m pretty sure I am not gonna lift today. I have zero motivation at this present time.
You still off the gear bro? How is that going? I am on TRT for life I hope. Can’t imagine what that would feel like. The hiccups still gone? @John
I am not officially off, I need nolva to go with my clomid so once I get that which is soon I will then pct.
I’ve been thinking about you bro!! Hope it’s only temporary. Do you bow hunt then? Bow hunting is by far my favorite but I haven’t had time for that in years. One of those things with 5 young kids and coaching and stuff. To me bow hunting is all about sitting in the woods and watching the deer and their patterns. Setting up multiple stands strategically for playing the wind It is a lot of prep work because not like with a gun where you can shoot them 200 yards away. I like to have my deer within 30 yards to take a poke with the bow. I can’t just go out there and hope for the best. I need to set myself up for success which takes me an incredible amount of time. A few more years here and I will be back in it. I have a nice PSE bow. I like it better than Hoyt or Matthews. I can shoot the bullseye 3 out of 5 times at 20 yards with it.

A nice hangover breakfast. Duck eggs and Longanisa (sweet and spicy greasy Filipino sausage).
I do crossbow, all season, no need for shotgun I can hit anything someone with a shotgun can but with the crossbow, plus like muzzleloader you pretty much have to make that first shot count takes to long to reload plus my bow season is like 4.5 months long saves money on gun and gun permits and shit.
I short a deer in the head with my muzzle loader. When the smoke cleared the thing was running straight at me it stopped 20 feet away with its head hanging down. I hit it in the nose. I had quick loads premade had a second round in the thing less than 15 seconds later. But ya normally one shot is all you get
Ha ha I’m sure that was fun. Bow opens for me in about 35 days
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Nice!!! Good you can bait there. Here the DNR won’t let us bait cause cwd deer was killed a county away some years ago. It’s like fucking Covid for deer. I am so useless today. I am on Ug like my kids on Tik Tok. Gym closes at noon saturdays. Don’t think am gonna make it. Prolly just stay home take and extra proviron give the wife half one and just do core workout all day. No kids today!!!
Ha ha yay proviron… my freedom is coming to a end as the wife n kid are comin back today, and as much as I care for my wife n kid, I truely need decompression time with myself on the occasion,it benefits all of us.