SB Labs

August 1 whatever thread

Here is what I eat every morning 2 hours after my fasted 30 minutes of cardio…
4 whole eggs
1/2 cup of eggs whites
3oz of chicken
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You know getting blasted in the head with a gun sounds like a decently quick painless way to go out… crossbow bolt to the noggin’ sounds less appealing! Although I did find out that I can bow hunt this season… i knee I would never legally rifle hunt again, but wasn’t sure if I could bow hunt…
If my daughters boyfriend acts like that him and I will take a ride down to the grocery store and I will line his ass out. I don’t know how effective it would be lol hopefully I can teach her not to waste her time with douchebags.
Anadrol is toxic so you need to be careful about your liver values.
Its a great mass growing compound personally check out Stenbolone I can’t tell you were to get it and don’t ask its against the rules but if stenbolone is around that’s the goto because less toxicity and its a different compound completely but is a good choice.

Just a heads up I’ve never really liked adrol but if you do use it run it 2wks on 2wks off its the best way to run it helps with the toxic effects and you can run it longer.
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Definitely not doing anything different right now. But with the big sale buy one get one I was thinking about stocking up on a bunch of goodies. Didn’t know if adrol was something I might want to use in the future or not. My liver is in pretty good shape I’d like to keep it that way. Thanks @Bigmurph
@Bigmurph - found not to many user on web documenting usage of Stenbolone. It sounds like a great compound though. I thought you mentioned some one that documented or had more detailed information on this compound, just can’t recall where or who that person was ? I believe as of right now there is only one sponsor that carries this.
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@Bigmurph - found it Dan Duchanie

And for the rest of UGM. This is why Stenbonle is like a baby primo / tren compound with out the sides. 🤯

Syntex developed Stenbolone as a mild alternative to the toxic same company Anadrol. And the company was successful because Stenbolone is neither liver-toxic nor does it aromatize, and it is only slightly an-drogenic. In addition, it has a similar effect to Anadrol in cases of anemia with abnormal blood formation since it increases the num-ber of red blood cells. For this reason Stenbolone is especially suit-able for competing athletes since it accelerates regeneration when dieting. Competing body builders in the weeks before a champi-onship often experience a catabolic phase and a condition of over training. Stenbolone rapidly and reliably counters this and helps to obtain a good form since it does not draw water and does not increase the estrogen level. For the buildup of strength and mass, however, Stenbolone is by far not as suitable as Anadrol, although some erroneously call it an injectable Anadrol. Stenbolone has lower anabolic and androgenic effects than the oral version and it leads to a slow but solid muscle gain along with a moderate strength gain. For this purpose it is preferred by women and ste-roid novices, and by older athletes who obtain satisfying results without the fear of significant side effects. Despite this, Stenbolone is, above all, I a competition steroid which is confirmed by the American “Steroid Guru” Daniel Duchaine in his book Underground Steroid Handbook 2: “This is an excellent steroid to use while diet-ing…”

Since the substance is in acetate form it has only a low half-life time so that frequent and regular injections are necessary in order to ob-tain sufficiently high and constant blood level values. For optimal results Stenbolone is normally taken daily and injected at least ev-ery 2 days. The usual weekly dose for athletes is 200-300 mg. For this reason the 50 mg strength is often preferred and the athlete either injects the entire one-milliliter ampule daily or limits the use to half of it. Women normally do well with 100- 150 mg/week and should divide their weekly dosage into three equal parts. The poten-tial side effects are low since the compound is well tolerated by the liver and edemas, gynecomastia, and high blood pressure do not occur. Cases of acne and increased aggressiveness in men are low and rare, as is a reduction in the body’s own hormone production.
@Rusty - no problem. But honestly I would be micro dosing this compound daily until you get a feel for it and what it can do. For me if I go this route it would be .40 ml on insulin needle Monday through Friday. That would give me 200 mg a week or 2 ml weekly. For a woman I would probably start with .10 ml - Monday through Friday giving them .50 or 50 mg a week. After the first 2-3 weeks you can bump it up to .20 ml give them 100mg a week. It probably better to take this slower then jump into it. Just my two cents.
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Ok, so as far as I know you can’t actually find stenbolone not in methyl form. And isn’t it the 17 a methylation that makes everything we love so much do so much damage to us?

I.e. without methylation it would do nothing, or very little, and that same methylation is what makes them all liver toxic?

If not please school me, but this is how I understand it, but I could be wrong.
This is what I’m doing and can’t wait to do close dd to test liver cause when I drink regularly I had no issues so wonder how this will affect me. On day 5 of 100mg a day and it seems to be keeping me big while I’m cutting this weight